On the dinner menu between Macron and Ben Salman, oil and Jamal Khashoggi

On the dinner menu between Macron and Ben Salman oil

French President Emmanuel Macron and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed ben Salman (known as “MBS”), dined together on Thursday July 28 at the Élysée Palace. Among the topics covered: energy supply and oil production. The crown prince left this Friday morning.

Several important topics were discussed during the dinner between Emmanuel Macron and Mohammed bin Salman.

On the menu : energy supply and the question of oil production in view of the soaring energy prices triggered by the war in Ukraine.

► To read also: “We cannot banish Russia while strengthening our friendship with Saudi Arabia”

Saudi Arabia being the world’s largest exporter of crude, Westerners are trying to convince it to open the floodgates in order to relieve the markets. The French president has expressed his concerns in this area so that the expectations of Europeans can be answered.

Human rights

The other major subject is the question of human rights: it was theThe Crown Prince’s first visit to Europe since the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and for Saudi activists, it is a blow.

To underline the anger that this visit aroused, a complaint against Mohammed ben Salman was filed this Thursday before the Paris court for complicity in torture and enforced disappearance. On the same day, Hatice Cengiz, the fiancée of Jamal Khashoggi, declared herself ” scandalized and outraged that Emmanuel Macron receives with all honors the executioner of my fiancé “. The American intelligence services had pointed the responsibility of the crown prince, who denies having ordered the assassination even if he says he bears the responsibility for it as a leader.

Finally, regional security should also be on the table: during Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Saudi Arabia last December, a joint aid mechanism for the Lebanese population was decided. This mechanism exists, humanitarian projects have been set up. The aim was to strengthen this cooperation, particularly in the areas of health and education.

A welcome ” warm »

In a message addressed to Mr. Macron, where we learn that the crown prince has left France “ after concluding his official visit “, MBS expressed to the French president his “ deep gratitude ” and his ” thanks for the warm welcome and hospitality which were reserved for him during this official visit.

He adds that the exchanges with the French president “ confirmed our common desire to strengthen the strategic partnership between our two friendly countries in all areas “, of ” continue coordination and consultation on issues of common interest ” and of ” strengthen security and stability in the region “.

The two men wish intensify cooperation ” for ” mitigate the effects in Europe, the Middle East and globally of the war in Ukraine, said a press release from the French presidency.

Emmanuel Macron, during dinner, ” underlined the importance of continuing the coordination initiated with Saudi Arabia with a view to diversifying the energy supplies of European states “, adds the press release.

(And with AFP)
