On Steam you can get 4 games for less than 8 € each, which every role-playing fan should have

Studio Obisidan is celebrating its 20th anniversary and to mark the occasion there is a huge sale on Steam. Fans of role-playing games will find some classics here, but also newer titles for little money.

What are these games? Obsidian is responsible for some of the best and most well-known role-playing games. The following stand out in the sale on Steam:

Fallout in particular is considered by many fans to be the best part of the already popular series. As a survivor after a nuclear war, you fight your way through a nuclear desert in search of a “golden chip”. Fallout is characterized above all by its special humor and its crazy opponents.

How long is the discount valid? The above offers are only valid until Monday 19th June. So you have to hurry if your library is missing one of the titles.

Want more multiplayer? A new shooter could compete with Fallout:

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Big Obsidian Sale also brings discounts for new hits

These offers are still available: Obsidian has other titles that have come out over the last few years that have been very well received by players, but for a little more money. Among them is Grounded, a new survival game with a special perspective.

There you play as someone who has shrunk to the size of an insect and have to protect yourself from giant ants and bugs in the garden. MeinMMO editor Maik Schneider has already played Grounded and is particularly enthusiastic about the multiplayer features.

Grounded is available on Steam for €23.99 until June 19th. A little longer, until June 24th, are two more newer titles:

A number of new games have also been introduced during the recent gaming events, which you can play now or soon. Among them is one that is already causing excitement.

Norland is a medieval simulation reminiscent of RimWorld. As a noble family, you have to manage a province, pay attention to social relationships and can even wage war:

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