On social networks, men spy on their ex more than women

On social networks men spy on their ex more than

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    Nearly nine out of ten young people have already consulted the profile of their former partner on social networks after a breakup, according to a French study. Some are even willing to create fake accounts to follow their ex without being noticed. And in this game, men are more active in surveillance and post-breakup manipulation.

    According to a study carried out by the IFOP for Lemon.fr, 88% of 15-34 year olds admit to having already spied on their ex on social networks during the first month following a breakup. One in five young people (18%) even admit to having done it every day during this period.

    To spy on their former partner, some are capable of anything, including creating fake accounts and pretending to be someone else. Three out of ten people admit to having resorted to this subterfuge. Contrary to what one might think, more men do it (39% compared to 22% of women).

    They are also more likely to look to see if their ex is following new people on social networks (53% compared to 38% of women). 64% of them check to see if their ex has viewed their story, compared to 61% of women, while 46% of men even go so far as to ask a friend to watch the profile or stories of their former flame. So many ways to find information indirectly.

    Manipulator 2.0

    63% of women block and/or delete exchanges with their ex on their account (62% of men). Four out of ten men ask their friends to block or delete their ex on platforms, compared to only 22% of women.

    The latter go so far as to want to make their ex jealous by posting stories or publications in which they appear happy (62% of men compared to 47% of women), and even by displaying another relationship (52% of men compared to 34% of women). women).

    Men push the vice to the point of wanting to provoke a reaction from their ex by liking their publication or story at 54% compared to 29% among women: “Manipulation is also part of the arsenal spread on the networks in the period following the breakup“, the report said.

    In total, 75% of young people admit to using at least one technique regarding a past relationship. A percentage which rises to 77% among men while women are below the average, at 73%.

    If men are the most manipulative after their breakup, they are also more likely to do “revenge porn”. 38% of them have already sent intimate photos of their ex to other people compared to 14% of women. 40% of men do not hesitate to denigrate their ex on social networks to tarnish their reputation. Here again, women show more class, 14% do the same thing.

    * Study carried out from October 22 to 26, 2023 by the IFOP for Lemon.fr using a self-administered questionnaire with a sample of 990 people, representative of the French population aged 15 to 34.
