"On pensions, everyone must put their own" : our readers react to the news

quotOn pensions everyone must put their ownquot our readers

Nuclear file: Bravo!

Richard Boulanger, Villiers-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne)

Congratulations to your nuclear file. You mentioned the essentials, and in particular the incredible complexity of the Flamanville EPR which has more than 13,000 different taps. You could also have mentioned the superphenix stop by Lionel Jospin, a serious error because this reactor worked as Astrid by absorbing the waste from “conventional” nuclear reactors. (Renaissance of French nuclear: words, words…,, L’Express February 27.)

Coherence or “co-errance”?

Jean-Claude Albert, Mudaison (Hérault)

I read with great pleasure the article of your brilliant journalist on the dismantling of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant; The refusals of François Hollande, Sébastien Lecornu and Elisabeth Borne to answer questions on this file; Nicolas Hulot’s staggering remarks admitting that he did not know the report he had ordered; The recognition by Manuel Valls that the reduction of 75 % to 50 % of nuclear power production was based on no scientific basis … If I nevertheless fell asleep serenely, it is that I can inform myself as I wish in a country where the press is free. (Who has flowed Fessenheim? The truth about political sabotage,, L’Express of February 27.)

But what to do with radioactive waste?

Chantal Bourry, Jonzac (Charente-Maritime)

A massive development of nuclear reactors is far from the panacea. Your file obscures radioactive waste and the dangers of this energy. In addition, France is entirely dependent on foreigners for its uranium supply, the price of which has already doubled since 2020 and whose shortage is announced “towards the middle of the century” by Claire Kerboul. In 2023, in the European Union, wind power (18 %) and solar (9 %) produced more electricity than nuclear (23 %). France has excellent potential in renewable energies. Why deprive yourself of it? (Claire Kerboul: “Astrid’s judgment leads us for the decades to come“, L’Express of February 27.)

Retirees must be united

Jean-François Rebours, Paris

Retirees show little eagerness to support our precious distribution system. I am not talking about those who have a small retirement and do not own their accommodation. Personally, I am 67 years old, has an apartment of 39 square meters in a popular district of Paris and perceive a pension at € 1,150. I consider that I am lucky to benefit from this system. If we want him to continue, everyone must put his own. (Pensions: why the figures of the Court of Auditors do not reveal the whole truthon Lexpress.fr))

Gaza: Let’s ask those interested in their opinion!

Jean-Pierre Lowys,, Saint-Chamond (Loire)

Corentin Pennarguear’s article is the first I read which finally addresses the theme of the Gazan vote on their own future. Most columnists entrust this care to the Russians, Hamas or the United States. Didn’t Donald Trump issues the idea of ​​expelling all the Palestinians and transforming Gaza into a French Riviera? The UN could finally be used for something by organizing a consultation reserved only for concerned citizens. (Hamas, displacement of Palestinians, peace with Israel … What do Gazanis really think? The Express of February 20).

Defense Europe: Macron was right

Dominique Calmels, Millau (Aveyron)

Germany, in the person of its future chancellor, seems to have finally understood that you should no longer count on the United States. The EU did Airbus well that size Croupeières in Boeing. We are able to do the same in other areas, including that of defense, as our president has been calling for since 2017! On this point, he was right before everyone else … (Camille Grand: “A bad deal on Ukraine would be a task on Donald Trump’s mandate“, on lexpress.fr).

Putin, Trump and climate change

Eric Debray, Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine)

Three years after Russia’s unnameable attack on Ukraine and less than two months after Donald Trump’s functioning, a new era of geopolitical instability begins. On the one hand, the arms race resumes more beautifully and risks reaching heights. On the other hand, IPCC’s latest reports alerting to the fact that we only had ten years to actually act against climate change before it becomes irreversible unfortunately remain without echo. It is not trivial that one of the first decrees taken by Trump was to get out of the Paris agreement. (David FRUM: “Trump destroys American leadership”, L’Express of March 13)
