Omnibus Decree, the government presents the Christmas bonus: 100 euros more on request in the thirteenth salary

Superbonus decree proposed amendment to involve municipalities in controls

(Finance) – Waiting for the measures in Budget Law the government presents the Christmas bonus: an allowance of 100 euros for 2024 intended for employees with a total income not exceeding 28 thousand euros and with a spouse and at least one child dependent on them for tax purposes. The provision was inserted with a government amendment to the decree Omnibus under consideration by the Senate Budget and Finance Committees. According to the executive’s intentions, the bonus will arrive with the thirteenth but it will not be automatic because the worker will have to request it.

The allowance – as stated in theamendment – “does not contribute to the formation of the worker’s overall income”, so the 100 euros will be net. The one-off payment will be recognized upon request of the worker, “who certifies in writing that he is entitled to it”. According to initial estimates, the measure will cost the state coffers 100.3 million for 2024.

Meanwhile there is anticipation for the general revision of the estimates annual of Istat which should be published today and which should bring some positive news for the GDP. A crucial piece of data, which will serve to complete the Structural Budget Plan after the presentation of the outline to the Council of Ministers last week. Once the new data has been received, there will be a new step in the Council of Ministers before sending it to Parliament for examination.

The Minister of Economy Giancarlo Georgette has already anticipated that Istat will provide an “upward” correction, albeit “modest: compared to the objectives to be presented to the EU. Something will change but “it will not be the solution to the problems” Giorgetti however underlined, who recalled that “there are no treasures”. Caution that the minister will also show on Wednesday when he meets the social partners on the PSB.

At the moment the certainties for the next budget law remain the confirmation of the wedge cut and the new Irpef at three rates. The government’s plans also include the extension of the bonuses mothers to self-employed workers and the single allowance, with some adjustments. Everything else depends on resources.

The game is still open on biennial preventive agreement for the autonomous: from this measure the government expects to recover the resources needed to extend the reduction of Irpef also to the middle classes, up to 50-60 thousand euros. With the aim of raising awareness among taxpayers on advantages and risks, flat-rate taxpayers and ISA subjects (subject to synthetic reliability indices) have had a summary note of the available on their tax drawers since yesterdayRevenue Agency in which the effects of joining are explained. The benefits are recalled, such as the possibility of opting for a substitute tax and taxes frozen for two years. But also the risk of incurring checks, for those who do not join.
