Omega radio suspended after an interview with opponents of the Nigerien putschists

Omega radio suspended after an interview with opponents of the

The Burkinabé government has suspended the broadcast of Omega radio programs until further notice. This suspension is due to the broadcasting of an interview with Ousmane Abdoul Moumouni, the spokesperson for the Council of Resistance for the Republic, a movement set up in Niger by the former minister Rhissa Ag Boula whose objective is to restore ousted President Mohamed Bazoum.

2 mins

By choosing to broadcast an interview with Ousmane Abdoul Moumouni, the spokesperson for the Resistance Council for the Republic (CRR) in Niger, Radio Oméga is taking liberties unacceptable with the ethics and deontology of the journalistic profession and denies its responsibility as a media “, according to the spokesman of the Burkinabè government.

Rimtalba Jean-Emmanuel Ouédraogo believes that the interview was peppered with ” abusive language against the new Nigerien authorities. He returns in particular to the mention by the guest of the use of ” all means to restore democracy in Niger. A declaration which, according to the Burkinabe government, is similar to ” a strategy of chaos against the state and the people of Niger “.

This is what kind of character Radio Omega has chosen to give the floor to bring the vision and the disastrous projects of an organization that has nothing to envy to the terrorist movements that roam the Sahel. “, underlines the press release.

An illegal and arbitrary decision »

According to Jean-Emmanuel Ouedraogo, the Resistance Council for the Republic intends ” serve as a Trojan horse for a cowardly and barbaric attack on the brotherly people of Niger “. He concludes by explaining that the Burkinabe government intends to remain firm against any form of glorification of violence against peoples struggling for their freedom and sovereignty.

A decision immediately denounced by Reporters Without Borders, which evokes “ an illegal and arbitrary decision », « a violation of the right and freedom to inform ” And ” a very bad signal that the government sends to the local media “. ” Until proven otherwise, there is a Superior Communication Council in Burkina Faso which, in the eyes of the law, has the prerogatives to audition a media, to put it on notice or to suspend it on the basis of an opinion. motivated. But in this case, the decision comes directly from the government “, explains to RFI Sadibou Marong, director of the sub-Saharan Africa office of the organization.
