Omar Rudberg’s relationship with the Young Royals actors today

Omar Rudbergs relationship with the Young Royals actors today

The first season “Young Royals” was released in July 2021 and immediately became an international success. The Netflix series, which is about Crown Prince Wilhelm’s life at the fictional boarding school Hillerska and about the love relationship with the student Simon, has engaged fans worldwide.

Crown Prince Wilhelm is played by Edvin Ryding and in the role Simon appears Omar Rudberg. Other names that have appeared in the popular series are Malte Gårdinger, Frida Argento, Nikita Owl, Felicia Maxime and Samuel Astor.

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Final season of “Young Royals” on Netflix

On March 11, 2024, almost three years after the very first episode of “Young Royals”, the third and very last season premiered on Netflix.

“I’ve always envisioned ‘Young Royals’ as a three-part series, and thanks to all the fans’ commitment to our story, we now have the opportunity to tell the final one. The ending has been clear to me from the very beginning and I am so grateful and honored to end this saga as it was meant to be,” said the series’ lead writer and co-creator Lisa Ambjörn said in a press release.

Edvin Ryding and Omar Rudberg. Photo: Samuel Steén/TT

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Omar Rudberg on the relationship with the “Young Royals” actors

On April 13, 2023, Netflix announced that the third season had begun filming, and thus it has been about a year since the actors last shouldered their roles in “Young Royals.”

For News24 has Omar Rudberg, who in the summer of 2024 is current with new music and also as a performer in “Allsång på Skansen”, talked about what the contact between the actors looks like today.

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How is your contact with the rest of the Young Royals gang today?

– So we see each other here and there. But lately it has been a bit bad, because everyone is doing their own thing. Everyone is recording and working and out and about. So that there hasn’t been the same time to see each other as much. But it is clear that we will see each other. And we have contact, absolutely.

Do you guys have a Young Royals group chat?

– We have that. Something about “Royals”, I think it’s called.

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