Olympic Games 2024: on the triathlon menu, Seine against the current and cobblestones of the Champs-Elysées

Olympic Games 2024 on the triathlon menu Seine against the

Loops in the Seine with return against the current, ascent and descent of the cobblestones of the Champs-Elysées by bike and on foot: Paris 2024 lifted the veil on Thursday April 27 on the triathlon courses of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in the French capital. The routes differ slightly, between the individual Olympic event, the relay and the Paralympic competition, but the fundamentals remain the same with wanderings in front of the Grand Palais, the National Assembly or the Musée d’Orsay. The individual Olympic event (1,500 m swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running) offers two loops in the Seine of 910 meters and 590 meters between the Alexandre III bridge and the Invalides bridge. As well as 32 steps to swallow from the pontoon to the roadway of the bridge where the triathletes must ride their bikes. A test event is scheduled from August 17 to 20 on the courses presented on Thursday. Two weeks after the freestyle, August 5 and 6.
