Olympic chief arrested on suspicion of bribery

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Haruyuki Takahashi, a board member of the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee, is suspected of accepting bribes from the former head of Aoki Holdings Inc and two company employees, Japan’s prosecutor’s office said.

The bribes are said to have been “with the understanding that they were meant as thanks for the favorable and favorable treatment” he gave Aoki.

Haruyuki Takahashi allegedly received almost 4 million kroner from Aoki, who was an official Olympic partner.

The 78-year-old was arrested on Wednesday along with Aoki’s chairman Hironori Aoki, 83, and two other executives from the company.

Aoki, which produces budget suits, was a surprising choice to dress the Japanese Olympic squad, as many other nations partnered with top fashion brands. Among other things, Aoki produces so-called “recruit suits” that Japanese young people who have recently left school wear for job interviews and their first jobs.

While there have long been rumors of suspected corruption among Olympic officials, the arrest is a blow to Japan as an Olympic host.

Takahashi is reported to have collected 3 billion dollars, around 30 billion kroner, in sponsorship money for the championships. Japan is seeking the 2030 Winter Olympics in Sapporo.

Japanese media reports that Takahashi denies wrongdoing and emphasizes that he was paid for consulting services.

Neither Aoki nor the Japanese Olympic Committee have commented on the allegations.

The official price tag for the Tokyo Games was $13 billion, mostly public money. That was double the original estimate when Tokyo got the Olympics. The games were delayed a year due to the pandemic.
