Olli Kuoksa moves from Oulu to Turku to become the head coach of the Tuto-Volley men’s league team

Olli Kuoksa moves from Oulu to Turku to become the

Olli Kuoksa, who has been coaching in the volleyball league for more than ten years, continues his career in Turku. Tuto-Volley grabbed Kuoksan, who announced on Monday that he was leaving the Oulu club, which had lost its league place.

5.4. 15:28 • Updated 5.4. 16:41

Coached for 13 years in Oulu Olli Kuoksa will become the head coach of the Turku Tuto-Volley men’s league team.

According to Kuoksa, the desire to continue as a professional coach and the end of league volleyball in Oulu weighed in the balance. In addition, Tuto-Volley had an interesting wash to offer.

– A new beginning is being built in Turku with a fresh approach and on the basis of a limited company. Yes, I was interested as soon as I heard about it, Kuoksa says.

Surveys were received from other clubs as well as abroad. However, it was not yet time to go international, Kuoksa says.

– I also had a few bets abroad, but from the point of view of the family, they were not sensible options. Fortunately, something has been done well in Oulu, when there seemed to be interest, the coach moving to Turku with his family laughs.

Tuto-Volley’s CEO and Sports CEO Oskari Eko is pleased with his recruitment, which became topical when the club needed a new coach.

– We will get one of Finland’s top coaches in Turku, who are passionate about the sport, experienced but still young as a coach, Eko summarizes the strengths of Kuoks in his forties.

Ettan’s season ended in mid-March to maintain the league spot, but soon after, the volleyball league and the club themselves stated that the conditions for continuing in the league no longer existed. TuTo-Volley, on the other hand, finished last in the series, but retained his place without qualifying.

The matter was corrected 5.4. at 4.15pm: The volleyball association mentioned earlier in the article has been transformed into a volleyball league.
