Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, calls on the socialists to “go beyond the conflicts”

Olivier Faure first secretary of the PS calls on the

The Socialists are making their political comeback this weekend on the banks of the Loire in Blois. The “rose party”, heavily defeated in the presidential election with 1.7% of Anne Hidalgo, saved the furniture in the legislative elections thanks to the union of the left (Nupes) formed with ecologists, rebels and communists. Something to give hope to activists, but also to arouse some fears.

With our special correspondent in Blois, Lucile Gimberg

Despite the criticisms still expressed by some at the PS, Olivier Faure assumes his bet on the union: ” This choice, I claim it because the Nupes, it is the framework to bring the left back to power… “. And, facing the activists gathered in the center of Blois, the boss of the socialists calls for overcoming internal conflicts: “ The debate between us should never be whether we are for or against the rally of the left, but what we can contribute to the rest of the left “.

How to exist within the coalition?

But how to exist within this coalition, where the “rebellious” lead the dance? Michelle and Laurent are two activists from Gard: “ The PS brings our experience. We were still part of the government “. ” We have a network in terms of very dense local authorities, which is an asset “, they continue.

Dust off the PS

Be careful not to lose our compass in European and international matters, tempers Marie-Claire, regional councilor in the East: “ In Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s theses, there are too many things that bother me deeply. I do not believe that everyone should give up the specificity of their political party “. For Marie, also a former elected official, rubbing shoulders with the other components of the Nupes is, on the contrary, a good opportunity to dust off the PS.

►Also read : France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon promises the “general battle” against Emmanuel Macron
