Oliver Helander arrived in Finland – received congratulations from the president | Sports in a nutshell

Oliver Helander arrived in Finland received congratulations from the

The recent EC bronze medalist landed at Helsinki-Vantaa airport late on Thursday evening.

Missed bronze at the EC athletics championships Oliver Helander arrived in Finland late Thursday evening. At Helsinki-Vantaa airport, Helander was met by the CEO of the Finnish Sports Association Harry Aaltowhich was delivered to the athlete by the President of the Republic by Alexander Stubb greetings and congratulations.

– Mina varmaste gratulationer till bronsmedaljen. Du managed med en fantastic prestation i precis rätt stund i finalen – My warmest congratulations on the bronze medal. You succeeded in a great performance at just the right moment in the final, Stubb wrote in a congratulatory letter.

In Wednesday’s javelin final, Helander won bronze with his season’s best result of 85.75. At the same time, the qualifying limit of 85.50 for the Paris Olympics was exceeded. The next time Helander will be seen in real action is on Tuesday, when the traditional Paavo Nurme competitions are held in Turku.
