Oliver and Emma hailed by police – rescued lost children

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“A very wise intervention” – this is how the Piteå police describe the efforts of two young people this evening, after they helped a small lost child who was standing by the roadside.

It was when Emma and Oliver were driving around with their A-tractor that they suddenly saw the boy.

– We hoisted down the window and tried to talk but got no answer. I got out of the car and the kid stretched out his arms, he wanted to be picked up. He was standing there in a diaper and a blanket, Oliver says.

Emma and Oliver contacted the police, who were later able to locate the small child’s parents, who were shocked, awake but most grateful, according to police Mathias Strandberg.

– Had they not been there, I do not know what would have happened, he says.

In the player above: See the whole feature about the lost boy in Piteånatten.
