Olidata, meeting approves share split and capital reduction

Olidata meeting approves share split and capital reduction

(Finance) – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Olidatawhich met in ordinary and extraordinary sessions, deliberated on all the items on the agenda. In ordinary sessionthe meeting unanimously resolved to authorize the Board of Directors topurchase and disposal of own shareson one or more occasions, for a maximum number of 1,928,596 Olidata ordinary shares (calculated on the number of post-split shares), establishing the terms and conditions of the authorization itself. Again in ordinary session, the resolution was reached appointment of Pieremilio Sammarco as the new board memberco-opted by the Board of Directors, until the date of the Assembly called to approve the financial statements for the financial year ending 31 December 2026.

In extraordinary sessionthe Shareholders unanimously resolved to approve a stock splitfollowing the cancellation of 4 ordinary shares for the sole purpose of balancing the operation, according to the ratio of 1 new action ordinary shares for every 10 existing ordinary shares. To this end, every broadest power has been conferred on the Board of Directors and on its behalf to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer pro tempore, separately.

The Shareholders’ Meeting, in an extraordinary session, unanimously resolved to approve the editing articles 6, 7, 8, 11 and 17 of the Articles of Associationinserting the faculty to establish that the participation and exercise of the right to vote in the meeting for those entitled to take place exclusively through the granting of proxies or sub-proxies.

Finally, again in the extraordinary session, it was decided to approve the nominal reduction of the share capital from 21,992,664 euros to 19,504,860 euros, by fully attributing the difference to cover previous losses, and from 19,504,860 euros to 10,000,000 euros, to be attributed to the elimination of the merger reserve, to the legal reserve up to the amount of fifth of the (new) share capital and, for the remaining part, to the available equity reserve. With regard to this last resolution, the President deemed it appropriate to clarify and underline that the reasons behind it, with specific regard to the establishment of an available reserve, are found in the Company’s interest in having a more rational and flexible. In this regard, any future use of the available reserve will be carefully examined by the administrative body, considering in any case the contingent equity, economic and financial situation of the company.
