Olidata, independent councilor Antonella Madeo resigns

Eligo Caterina Siclari co opted into the Board of Directors in

(Telestock) – Olidataa group listed on Euronext Milan and a system integrator in the digital services sector, has announced the Antonella Madeo resignsirrevocable and effective from today’s date, from the office of independent director and non-executive.

The resignation was motivated by “the current conflict situation within the administrative body of the company, which does not allow a peaceful and appropriate continuation of the assignment”, reads a note.

Madeo had been appointed by the majority list presented at the ordinary meeting of 10 August 2023. He was a member of the following board committees: chairman of the Related Party Transactions Committee and member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Based on the information available to the company, Madeo does not hold shares in the company.

(Photo: Benjamin Child on Unsplash)
