Olga eliminated from Koh Lanta: “My dream was taken away from me” [INTERVIEW]

Olga eliminated from Koh Lanta My dream was taken away

She is one of the former Yellows who were able to resist elimination almost to the end, Olga ended up leaving Koh Lanta, the cursed totem at the end of episode 15, at the gates of the final. She comes back to us on her adventure.

First in the blue team then in the yellow team, Olga made a place for herself in the Koh Lanta adventure. After reunification, the young woman of Kazakh origin had to get used to seeing her former teammates leave the show one by one due to a campaign by the ex-Reds to eliminate them. Like Bastien, Olga is the last of the former Yellows to have arrived at the gates of the final. However, it was in episode 15 that the acrobat dancer and dance teacher saw her fate change. Injured at the end of the immunity test, she reentered the adventure before the board to find that her fellow adventurers had decided to eliminate her. Olga tells us about her journey and her frustration at the idea of ​​leaving Koh Lanta, the cursed totem just before the orienteering race and the final.

Why did you choose to participate in the show?

I’ve always loved this show. When I arrived in France, it was one of the first things I watched on TV. What it represents has always impressed me: adventure, competition, survival, the unknown… And it has become a dream to participate. It is very similar to all the qualities that I have in me. I made it my goal to do it. I registered three times and the third was the good one.

What state of mind were you in when you discovered your opponents?

It’s very stressful because you don’t know anyone, you’re immersed in the unknown. There is something very unusual. We are a little disturbed from the start. We try to tell each other things but not too much either. We try to identify the first people with whom we have a feeling. And it’s funny because it works. The first people we try to trust are the ones we will find next to us.

What was the hardest for you?

For me, what was very hard was the humidity. Survival in the rain was very difficult. Already, we do not eat, we are cold, we are always wet so it is very difficult to live. Afterwards, the advice was also very difficult with the eliminations of my friends.

In your opinion, has the reunited tribe really been white this season?

No, I really don’t think so. All eliminations were handled by colors. When Colin comes out, the Reds start eliminating all the Yellows. At the time, I did not yet know the link between Nicolas and the ex-Reds so I did not understand what was happening. Seeing Yannick, Anne-Sophie and Colin out, I understand that it’s going to be very hard to survive elimination.

With Bastien, you are the only ex-yellow still in contention at this stage of the competition. How do you explain that you remained so long faced with the strategy of the ex-Reds?

It is true that I am the survivor! I still feel in danger, I know that I am targeted. The first remedy I found was linked destinies. I was so hoping to be associated with François and it happened. There, I said to myself that I was protected at least for the next few days because he will do everything so that we are not eliminated. François is a good strategist, even if we lose, he will find a way so that we don’t leave. I feel protected. Then I win the knockout event and then I win the water balance, which is an amazing event. Basically, I protected myself for at least six days. I saved myself a bit and was very surprised to see how it turned out. It was amazing!

You have won a superb balance victory with François. Did the episode of linked destinies bring you closer to François?

It is true that it was an extraordinary ordeal. We lived it thoroughly. I was very happy to come across François on this event because he is very strong mentally. Even if his body lets go, the head won’t let go. He’s impressive there. He is also a good strategist. It didn’t bring us that close. I think we used both to go further. I think that François projects himself far. For him, I’m a formidable element for the future so I don’t think he wants to get closer to me. In any case, I did not feel any rapprochement.

You seem to have gained confidence in your abilities throughout the adventure. Was there a click?

The first click is the elimination of Colin. I wouldn’t say that I gave up but I understood that I was in danger because Alexandra and Colin had always protected me. It was our goal to protect each other. From that moment, I felt a bit alone. I said to myself “there, we will have to start fighting because no one is going to protect me.” It was the survival instinct that took over.

Did you expect to go to the council in episode 15?

I am very sad and disappointed to leave because I have come a long way that day. I can’t say that I didn’t expect it because I more or less know who is going to vote against me. I know François has two votes. It was almost impossible for magic to work to save me. I know more or less that I’m going to leave.

Being eliminated at the gates of the orienteering race is a frustration?

Yes of course. Especially since I’m coming back from an injury, so I’m ready to go again. I have the gnac, I tell myself that I can go even further. This is also Koh Lanta, always surpassing yourself. I feel like my dream has been taken away from me. They could have given me one more chance. I didn’t come here to leave so easily. So I was disappointed.

You showed your strength on the balance tests. After the orientation, there are the posts. Is it also a parameter of your elimination?

Yes, I think so too ! I’m not throwing flowers at myself (laughs) but it’s true that balance is one of the things I’m most comfortable with. Obviously, François and Ambre know it, so keeping me for the posts is also putting a thorn in their side. Obviously it wouldn’t be cool to have me around.

Your injury occurs right after the immunity test. How did you experience this sequence?

I struggled on this very difficult event. I’m emotionally drained, I’m really at my wit’s end. When I succeed, I’m so happy that I forget everything. I completely lose focus, fall and break my ankle. There, I say to myself “it’s over”. In my head, it was unthinkable to go out on this but at the same time I saw the impact. I went to the hospital, they examined me and I slept very little at night because I wondered what was going to happen. Luckily, I had nothing broken. I was asked if I was ready to resume the adventure, of course I was ready! I come back without any hesitation. I know there is the orientation afterwards but it will only last one or two hours and then after there are the posts. I would have stayed on the post on one leg if I had had to! (laughs) I’m super happy to be back and therefore very disappointed to have been eliminated afterwards.

What is the memory you will keep the most?

I think I will keep the memory of the meetings I had with my friends Colin, Anne-Sophie and Alexandra. And also this magnificent test of balance on the water. It was really the mythical event that I absolutely wanted to do and in addition I won it against Bastien, who is an extremely strong element, so it was a very good victory which will remain engraved in my memory.

Do you have any regrets in this Koh Lanta?

No, I have no regrets. I have a twinge in my heart, like all adventurers, I wonder if I could have changed the game the day I was eliminated. Could I have spoken to someone? Should I have voted for someone I said I wasn’t voting against? But as I am very faithful to the words that I give, I could not vote against Géraldine or Jean-Charles so it was not possible. The outcome is made in this way because I have not betrayed my word.

How do you view your journey?

I am very happy to recognize myself in the show. I also think I survived for quite a while and I can’t believe it. Elimination is very difficult on the doorstep of the finals but, all the same, the fact of getting there is already enormous compared to the chances I had. I had almost no chance of getting there and I really saved myself day after day. It is extremely appreciable.

How did you experience the broadcast period of the show?

I watched social networks, the first two episodes and then I gave up because everything that is said on social networks is complicated to manage. After I stopped watching what was going on there, it was much better and I’m doing very well today!

Would you like to participate in Koh Lanta again if you were given the opportunity?

Right away, really. Koh Lanta is the most beautiful experience I have had in my life. Despite the difficulty, the complexity of the game, it is an exceptional adventure. If I can leave tomorrow, I leave directly. This time, I might do it differently or maybe exactly the same but in any case I can’t wait!
