Old systems – then the water can be twice as expensive

The drinking water is forced to be boiled and the taps are turned off more and more often.
Sweden’s sewage and water systems begin to sing on the last verse.
At today’s rate, it would be fully renovated in 200 years.
– There will be big problems if we don’t increase the pace, says Klara Westling, expert in sewage and environment at Swedish Water.

Since a hundred years ago, it has been an invisible infrastructure of social importance – Sweden’s sewage and water system, which stretches the equivalent of half way to the moon.

But the cracks and leaks in pipes are increasing, something according to Klara Westling, expert in sewage and environment at Swedish Water, will escalate.

– We are starting to see more consequences around society across the country. The water is shut off indefinitely, you are forced to boil it and floods are becoming more common, says Westling.

Thousands of employees are required – which do not exist

The pipeline network needs to be renewed within a few years – at today’s rate it would be completed in 200 years and require 18,000 to 25,000 full-time employees. Personnel that do not exist today.

– It is going too slowly and in the longer term there will be big problems. We will see incidents happen much more often and even bigger incidents if we don’t increase the pace, says Klara Westling.

In addition to manpower and the need for funding, decision makers must take greater responsibility. Otherwise, it can have devastating consequences, says Klara Westling.

– This can lead to us losing drinking water unnecessarily and to completely or partially dirty water being released from the treatment plants because they become overloaded.

Drinking water will be twice as expensive

At the same time, 50 to 100 treatment plants need to be expanded, something that would cost between half and over a billion kroner, according to Anders Finnson, environmental strategist at Swedish Water.

– 80 percent of the costs for introducing the advanced purification will be financed by the pharmaceutical companies that put hard-to-degrade drugs on the market.

The municipalities will have to cover the rest. And the residents have to count on increased costs for water and sewage, so-called VA rates, where the price of drinking water will be more expensive.

– In 15 years, the price of drinking water will double, says Klara Westling.

The five most expensive and cheapest municipalities


Most expensive municipalities

Norrtälje 1,036 crowns

Vaxholm 1,001 kroner

Tjörn 982 crowns

Nordanstig 900 kroner

Österåker 884 kronor

Cheapest municipalities

Solna 236 kroner

Fairest SEK 238

Motala 269 kroner

Penitential church 271 kroner

Västerås SEK 288


Most expensive municipalities

Norrtälje SEK 1,656

Panties 1,513 kroner

Tjörn SEK 1,497

Vaxholm SEK 1,436

Little Edet SEK 1,365

Cheapest municipalities

Fairest 312 kroner

Solna 396 kroner

Penance Church SEK 425

Tibro SEK 458

Lucky harness SEK 483

*Definition: A detached house of 150 m2 comprising 5 rooms, water consumption 150 m3/year

Source: Swedish Water
