Old student apartments on Råslätt will become new refugee accommodation

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The pressure for new accommodation for Ukrainian refugees in Jönköping municipality has increased significantly recently.

The accommodation in Tenhult, Västerhäll, is full. And now Kålgården is also starting to get full. But the municipality has several places left over which are now being allocated to the new accommodation at Råslätt.

– We had a distribution figure of 403 places this year and we have not prepared all those places, but we do so as we receive more. So now it’s time to receive another number, says Sofia Backéus.

Permanent housing solution

The new accommodation at Råslätt, with 65-80 places, will function as a permanent housing solution during the time that the refugees have a residence permit. That is, until March 2024.

The municipality has not received distribution figures for next year yet, but expects it to arrive in the next few weeks.

In the clip above, you can hear Sofia Backéus, coordinator for refugee reception in Jönköping municipality, tell more about the new accommodation at Råslätt.
