Öland’s first naturist campsite – here naturists and clothed people camp side by side

Fredrik Fredriksson at Wikegård’s campsite believes that a naturist part of existing campsites is the future.

– Considering the climate changes, it will soon be unsustainable for naturists to vacation around the Mediterranean where the temperatures are often close to 40 degrees. I think that more people will look for northern Europe and that then Öland could be an interesting destination, says Fredrik Fredriksson

There is a demand

The naturist part of the campsite has been open for a few weeks and there are a handful of motorhomes and caravans scattered on the large grassy area. In the long run, plantings will create a measure of protection from view from the rest of the campsite.

– There is clearly a demand for this type of camping. We have already had guests from the first time, says Fredrik Fredriksson.

“Glorify the Swedes”

Can you understand those who are negative about this kind of initiative?

– No, I actually can’t. We Swedes are quite decorated and it’s time we let it go a little, I actually think.

Hear the naturists Lotta Axelsson and Inger Granfeldt tell about what it’s like to camp next door clothed in the clip above.
