In all the country’s coffee rooms, among all dinner tables and in different group chats, one thing is currently being discussed – Love is Blind Sweden.
The first season struck like a bomb in the reality world and was also acclaimed internationally. Therefore, it was no wonder that viewers threw themselves over season two who are currently rolling on Netflix.
And this year, the reactions were not expected.
One of the reasons named Ola Jönsson Is 43 old and lives in Stockholm. In the beginning, there were some comments here and were on social media about Ola and his behavior. But it all has now escalated and turned into a pressure wave that caused both Instagram and Tiktok to boil over.
Ola is at the time of writing in something of a life crisis and has therefore read a number of books and listened to a series of podcasts that are about how to think to find happiness and become more present. It all he has tried to project on the program Milly Carlsson which he got engaged in the capsules.
Ola has faced harsh criticism from the viewers but has chosen not to answer in the comments field, put up in interviews or show up in other interview programs.
Milly, on the other hand, visited TV4’s “after five” where she talked about her experiences in the program and about all the love she received.
– Many women recognize themselves in getting so -called “violations”, she started.
– Every now and then it wasn’t that hard and that with the hair did not move at all. Then there were some things that took harder than others, she said.
Anna Brolin told Milly and the viewers that they tried to invite Ola to the program but that he chose to refuse. Instead, he had chosen to write a message.
“Just have good to say and that she is a nice person. Wish her all the happiness and that she can find the right to share her love with,” Ola wrote.
Milly then told us that Ola showed several times nice pages that were cut away.