Ol-Ánte Sikku works in the European Parliament: “Fun, but of course a lot of work”

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SVT Sápmi gets a short chat with Ol-Ánte Sikku outside the EU Parliament, where he works for the EU parliamentarian Erik Bergkvist (S).

– There is a short session in the parliament and Erik will be there, it is a vote in the climate package.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

– Starts with drinking coffee, while I update myself on what has happened in the world and the EU. Then I plan the communication plan of what we do and how together with Erik’s schedule. Or we are traveling. No two days are alike.

Bautagänget and Sáminuorra

Ol-Ánte Sikku grew up in Staare (Östersund), and knows both the South Sámi and North Sámi culture well, as mother is South Sámi and father North Sámi. As a young man he was involved in Sáminuorra, and as a member of the comedy group Bautagänget, politics was at the center of the sharp humor. He is a trained political scientist.

– It’s fun to work here, you are at the center of politics.

“Great joy of their skills”

Ol-Ánte Sikku is not the only Sami in Erik Bergkvist’s team, Elin Nejne from Västerbotten is also included.

– There are two talented employees that I recently recruited. I am very pleased with their skills, experience and background, says Erik Bergkvist.

The worst thing about Brussels

For the next two years, Brussels and the European Parliament will be his base. He is happy and even though he says he is not missing anything, he is looking forward to going home during the summer holidays.

What is the worst thing about Brussels?

– There is no reindeer meat here, says Ol-Ánte and laughs.

In the clip, you get to follow Ol-Ánte Sikku in Brussels, and hear what Ol-Ánte Sikku thinks is what is bad in Brussels.
