Okay with covid vaccine for children

It is now possible for parents to vaccinate their children against covid-19, if they wish. Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed (KD) says so Echo.
– I think it is good that we have clarified this now, says the Minister of Social Affairs to the radio channel.

A year ago, the Public Health Agency stopped recommending the covid vaccine for children between 12 and 17 years of age. This meant that children, regardless of age, could only be vaccinated if there were special medical reasons.

Now the government makes a different assessment and decides to enable vaccination for children.

According to the government, it is not in accordance with the law to deny children vaccines.

– We have done a thorough review of the laws and regulations that exist around vaccines regarding covid-19,” says Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed (KD) to Echo.

– In some countries there are even requirements for vaccination in connection with holidays or studies, he adds.

The vast majority of countries in Europe recommend vaccination of children. This is evident from the Public Health Agency’s report which compared Sweden with 12 other countries in Europe, reports the radio channel.

Regions in the country can now offer vaccines to children, as early as six months of age.

– I think it is good that we have clarified this now, says the Minister of Social Affairs to Ekot.
