Oil prices consolidate rise. Brent at 117 usd / bar

Oil prices consolidate rise Brent at 117 usd bar

(Finance) – Oil consolidates the increases of the recent race. The barrel of Brentthe reference crude oil of the North Sea, stabilizes at around 117.20 dollars a barrel, while the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) drops 0.5% to approximately $ 113.56.

The G7 of energy ministers he asked OPEC to increase the offer to counter the price increases caused by the war in Ukraine, but above all by the sanctions against Russia that the big seven themselves have adopted. “We call on oil and gas producers to act responsibly and respond to the rising tension on international marketspointing out that OPEC has a key role to judge “, reads the statement released at the end of the G7 energy and climate ministers summit, according to reports from the Financial Times.
