OIC condemns Koran burnings – wants to see action

In a specially convened digital meeting on Monday, the countries agreed on 35 points on how to respond to the Koran burnings.

In a longer statement, it is written, among other things, that:

“(We) call on the member states to consider what they consider to be appropriate measures against the countries where the Holy Quran is desecrated and burned, which includes Sweden and Denmark”.

The measures include “necessary efforts at the political level, including summoning ambassadors for consultations as well as economic, cultural or other (measures) to express the disapproval of repeated insults against the Holy Quran and Islamic symbols”.

The OIC has also decided to send a delegation to the European Commission to “express the condemnation” of the desecration of the Koran and call on the Union to “ensure that ‘this criminal act’ is not repeated with freedom of expression as justification.”

The Koran burnings must also be taken up in other international bodies such as the UN.

One of the steps in these forums is for the OIC to take initiatives against acts of hatred against Islam and its symbols and sanctities in the interpretation of the relevant conventions “as well as to develop new international legal texts for this purpose”.
