Official Financial Report Points Pretty Clearly to Release 2024 – That Says Take-Two

In an investor report, publisher Take-Two made some hints that sound suspicious of a GTA 6 release in 2024.

Where does the information come from? GTA publisher Take-Two presented its quarterly investor report on May 17th and made some promising insinuations in it and in an accompanying press release:

  • The development of GTA VI is “in full swing” – that alone would not be too meaningful if the report did not also say,
  • that “several groundbreaking titles” are set to appear in fiscal 2025.
  • In addition, Take-Two announced that the games are “setting a new benchmark for the industry” and will bring the company $8 billion in net bookings for the fiscal year.

    According to PC Gamer, the publisher recorded net bookings of $5.2 billion in the current financial year, and the current year is expected to increase this amount again. The indicated major releases should bring Take-Two more than $ 2.5 billion.

    However, the company declined to reveal whether the numbers are based on upcoming game sales, legacy titles, or microtransactions.

    Everything you need to know about GTA Online – in 2 minutes

    2024 could be a great year

    What exactly did Take-Two say? In the press release accompanying the financial report, the publisher speaks of a “challenging consumer environment” and an extension of the development periods for several “high-quality titles”. It also says:

    We believe that in fiscal 2025 we will enter our next phase of growth as we plan several breakthrough titles that we expect will set new standards of quality and success and position us to exceed $8 billion of net bookings […] to achieve.

    Take Two via take2games

    What games might appear? There are some indications that one of the hinted releases could be GTA 6. Take-Two had already said beforehand that the game should set “creative standards” for the entertainment industry, which sounds quite similar to the hints in the report.

    In addition, even Microsoft probably believes in a release in 2024. However, it does not say anywhere explicitly: “By the way, GTA 6 will definitely come in 2024”. Especially since gamers should now have a lot of experience with postponed releases. Nevertheless, the hints give hope.

    Judas, the new game from BioShock creator Ken Levine, is also being discussed for the coming year, but it shouldn’t be enough on its own to bring in the expected sales.

    Is it now 2024 or 2025? Take-Two’s fiscal year 2025 begins as early as April 2024. This means that games announced for fiscal year 2025 should be released over the next year or early 2025 at the latest.

    Fans would like to pre-order now

    What are the first reactions? In the subreddit for GTA 6 there are several threads in which the hints of Take-Two are diligently discussed. Fans are speculating about a release right in April, in the fall or maybe at Christmas time.

    Now that there’s a vague time window for the release, fans are wondering what’s next: when will the official announcement be? Will there be a trailer this year or at least a teaser?

  • sony-boy says: “The weeks after the teaser/trailer will be so much fun. I had one of the best times back then with analysis and theory on GTA 5.”
  • mercedes_maybach can’t wait: “Survive for two more years.”
  • chemicalbonex already wants to spend money: “The part could be offered for pre-order right now and I would buy it. unseen. The game will be fantastic and we all know it.”
  • Last year, a huge leak revealed a number of details about GTA 6 and led to a lot of concerns among fans about what the much-anticipated game would look like. Rockstar did damage control and even called the FBI.

    What’s next after the big leaks to GTA 6? Social media doesn’t want any comments at first
