Offenses by Constance Debré, deliver us from evil

Offenses by Constance Debre deliver us from evil

After her autobiographical trilogy, the former lawyer Constance Debré returns this time with a fiction. A novel that questions justice in France today in a style that is still just as sharp. “Offenses” is published by Flammarion editions.

It is not a book written with a pen, but with a scalpel, or brass knuckles. He also leaves you a little stunned as he jostles you, addressing you in a frank and direct way. However, he tells a sad story, as we sometimes read in the newspapers: the murder of an old lady, killed by a young man, for 450 Euros, a sordid news item which may seem very ordinary, terribly ordinary, and which however, raises many questions.

On the inequalities of society, on its violence and our relationship to this violence, on the making of good and evil and on a world, on injustices, and on justice, with a small J and with a big J.

After his autobiographical trilogy, Constance Debre ventures into fiction. “Offenses” was published by Flammarion

Reporting : Emma Garboud-Lorenzoni present ” pafata the Latin rock fusion group’s new album, “¿Who’s The Cuban?” ” supported by the Musical editions of RFI and RFI Talent.
