An off-Utoader Spotting In Stolen Vehicle Led to Four People Facing Drug Charges, Said Chatham-Kent Police.
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An Automatic License Flat Reader Alert was received on Jan. 28 That a vehicle was reported Stolen from Walpole Island First Nation, Said Police.
An off-Duty Constable Recognized The Vehicle at A Convenience Store in Tilbury and Immoredelly contact Police Disatch, Police Said.
Later moments, the vehicle was also passing an officer on great river line, added.
“The Officer Strategalely Followed The Vehicle While Coordinating Alternative Methods to Safely Manage The Situation,” Police Said. “The subject vehicle missa a turn on winterline road and ultimately turned into a private driveway.”
Officers Moved in and Searched the Vehicle, Seizing 39.1 Grams of Purple Fentanyl, Police Said.
Four People Were Arrested Including A 38-Year-Old Wallaceburg Man, Two Wallaceburg Women, Age 30 and 42, and A 40-Year-Oold Windsor Man, Police Said.
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All Four Accused have been loaded with possession of Property Obtaineed by Crime, possession for the purpose of Trafficking and possession of a substance, Police Said.
They were transported to font headquarters and held in custody for bail hearing, police said.
“The Chatham-Kent Police Service Continues to Combat Drug Trafficking and is Committed to En Ennant the Safety of Our Residents,” Stated A Media Release.
Drugs, Brass Knuckles SEIZED, Two Charged: Sarnia Police
Drugs with Estimated Street Value of $ 14,632, and A Set of Brass Knuckles, Were Sixized During Searches Thursday, Sarnia Police Say.
Major Case Action, Emergency Response Teams and Dog Team Members With Warrants Searched An Elgin Street Residence – The Third Search There in the Last Year – and A Separate Storage Facility, Police Said.
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Officers SEIZED 2.97 GRAMS OF CROCT COCAINE, 111.34 G of POWDERED COCAINE, 5.28 g of Crystal METHAMPHETAMINE, About 82 HYDROMORPHONE PILLS AND $ 220 and Arrested Two Adults and A YOUTH, Police Said.
The Brass Knuckles Were Found During the Search of A Vehicle, Police Said.
Two Sarnia Residents, AGED 28 and 35, Are loaded with Possessing Drugs for Trafficking and Possessing Property Worth Less Than $ 5,000 Obtained by Crime, Police Said. The 35-Year-Old Also is charged with possessing a prohibited weapon.
The Youth was released without Charge, Police Said.
With Files from the Sarnia Observer