of the gameplay was released, Criterion makes the solo and dice the multi

of the gameplay was released Criterion makes the solo and

Four years that the Battlefield license has disappeared from the video game landscape, which was however an annual series before, capable of competing with Call of Duty. But some routs and some disappointments of sales have broken down. But Electronic Arts still believes in the possible return of their war FPS and even decided to start communicating on it. If the video “development behind the scenes” of the next battlefield (its assumed name that we use facilitating) has been a lot of talk of it with the 10 seconds of pre-alpha video of video of video, and on which we remains very circumspect.

This video is above all a way to explain that 4 studios are working on full -time game, with a very precise distribution of tasks. Dice, which has always been the lead studio on each episodes of Battlefield, is only responsible for multiplayer mode, while solo mode has been entrusted to Criterion Games (yes the series of Burnout cars, it’s them), Knowing that the English studio has always been a studio support for the Battlefield franchise. EA Motive (Jade Raymond’s studio before it spins elsewhere and which took care of the remake of Dead Space in 2023), and Ripple Effect come to graft in the project as support studios, especially on the multiplayer part . Together, they represent the Battlefield Studios and together, they launch the Battlefield Labs program, which is sort of a life -size beta that will allow you to play the game in advance, collect the players’ feedback to adjust the game and go out ‘Image of what the community wishes. Listening to players seems to be the new credo of Electronic Arts which cannot afford to plant yourself more. It is all the evil that we wish them.
