ODCEC Rome: in 2023 almost a thousand hours of free classroom training

ODCEC Rome in 2023 almost a thousand hours of free

(Finance) – “The Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome has confirmed, also in 2023, its commitment in the field of training, offering almost 1000 hours of free classroom training to members in a year (993). There were 204 courses held at the Order’s headquarters, 299 in total in the classroom, for a total of 30 hours of free training per capita. To these numbers we must add e-learning, which records an important average of 16.3 courses activated for each member. The commitment was aimed at ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to fulfill the various legal training obligations free of charge, maintaining the quality of the events high and diversifying the method of use. Particularly important in this sense was the collaboration with the Telos Foundation, chaired by Andrea Borghini, who took charge of the Order’s training programme, created with the precious activity of the Commissions and Observatories”. He said it Giovanni Battista Calì, President of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome, on the sidelines of the general assembly of the members of the ODCEC of Rome, which approved the management report for the 2023 financial year and the 2023 general statement of the Order.

Calì also underlines the satisfaction “for having given continuity to the Sustainability Report, the quinto the Odcec of Rome, demonstrating the path we intend to continue in reporting on ESG issues. The Report was in fact drawn up on the basis of the ESG policies promoted by the Order and broken down into the business objectives in relation to sustainability performance and reporting of the results obtained; all thanks to the irreplaceable contribution of the ESG, Sustainable Development and Corporate Reporting Commission chaired by Marco Maffei. The sustainability report is also accompanied by the “Gender Budget”, drawn up starting from the 2023 financial year with the support of the Equal Opportunities Committee chaired by Claudia Cattani”.

During the Assembly, President Calì highlighted the importance of the numerous institutional dialogues activated: “Particular attention was paid to the institutions present in the area: Revenue Agency, Guardia di Finanza, Rome Chamber of Commerce and Rome Court. The Council has also activated communication and discussion channels with Universities and other Orders, also actively interacting with the National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts to discuss the main problems of interest to the category and propose possible solutions in this regard”.

Finally, land Equal opportunities, which remain a key theme of all the initiatives of the Capitoline ODCEC Council: “Efforts continue to focus on both gender and generational equal opportunities. The certification of conformity with the UNI/PdR 125:2022 standard for the Management System for Gender Equality, which took place on 20 June last year, represented one of the main objectives identified and achieved by the Order Council for 2023.” .
