Oceana’s fire protection was approved five days before the fire

Five days before the big fire broke out at Liseberg’s water world Oceana, the fire protection was approved. It reports Today’s news who took note of the protocol from the security patrol.

The management at the construction company NCC, which was responsible for fire protection when the fire occurred, and the safety representative then found no objections, the newspaper writes.

The last security round before the fire was carried out on February 7, according to DN.

DN has applied for the responsible site manager who is responsible for the security patrols but is referred to NCC.

– Exactly how we worked with our routines around fire and safety in the project is something that is now being mapped by the responsible authorities. But what we can say is that the evacuation itself went according to the procedures that the project has practiced for a very fast fire progression, says NCC’s press manager to the newspaper.

The 51-year-old construction manager, Patrik Gillholm, died in the fire that occurred on February 12.

The incident is being investigated by the police and the National Accident Commission. But it may take months before the investigations are completed.

The text is updated
