Obstacle to losing weight: It increases the risk of heart attack and even triggers cancer! Here are the symptoms

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Dr. Gökhan Yazıcıoğlu, Specialist from the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, stated that insulin resistance means that the cells in the muscles, fat and liver do not respond well to insulin and cannot easily take glucose from the blood.

Yazıcıoğlu said, “As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin to help glucose enter the cells. Insulin, which is secreted more than necessary to control sugar, causes weight gain and fat accumulation in the body because it orders the body to store fat. As long as the pancreas can produce enough insulin to overcome the cells’ weak response to insulin, blood sugar levels will remain within a healthy range. If the cells become too resistant to insulin, this leads to high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). This leads to prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes over time.”

Dr. Yazıcıoğlu noted that, in addition to Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance is also associated with obesity, cardiovascular disease, alcohol-independent fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


Dr. Gökhan Yazıcıoğlu continued as follows:
“Fat storage usually occurs in the abdominal area. At the same time, insulin resistance can lead to serious diseases because the liver and blood vessels become fatty. Insulin resistance is definitely seen at the beginning of Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for 90 percent of diabetes. As insulin resistance increases over time, the pancreas, which has to secrete more insulin, becomes tired and inadequate. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas cannot control sugar. Insulin resistance also accelerates the process of arteriosclerosis; “The risk of heart attack increases and may even trigger some cancers.”


measuring sugar

Specialist Dr. Gökhan Yazıcıoğlu explained the symptoms of insulin resistance as follows:
“A feeling of heaviness and sleepiness after a heavy meal or after eating sugary food. Hand tremors, sweating, stomach ache complaints, uncontrollable weight gain, increased appetite as sugar levels start to drop uncontrollably after a meal. It is especially difficult for people with high insulin resistance to lose weight. The body constantly tells them to store fat. Therefore, it is not possible to burn fat. Just as a person becomes dehydrated and constantly wants to drink water because insulin secreted disproportionately causes drops in blood sugar, an uncontrollable appetite for sugary foods occurs. Therefore, patients with insulin resistance cannot follow the given diet and cannot lose weight.”


insulin sugar diabetes

Expert stated that the resistance level can be measured by doing a blood test in the treatment of insulin resistance. Dr. Gökhan Yazıcıoğlu: “For people with high resistance, first of all, correct diet and exercise planning should be made. If there is no improvement despite this, the level can be returned to normal with 2-3 months or at most 6 months of treatments. When the insulin resistance level returns to normal, the obstacle to weight loss disappears, patients lose weight rapidly and their appetite immediately disappears. “Most importantly, the risk of heart disease, susceptibility to cancer types and diabetes will be prevented in this way,” he said. (UAV)

