Observe Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn aligned in the plane of the ecliptic

Observe Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter and Saturn aligned in the

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Around 3:00 UT, in the dawning light of day, you will be able to observe the five planets visible on theeye naked aligned on the plane of the ecliptic.

First look flush with the northeast horizon. You will find the planet there Mercury. Head east, and you can’t miss the shining Venus. Continue going up. let Uranus, which is not visible anyway due to the excessive glow. You arrive at the planet Mars. She will be accompanied a little further by Jupiter. Continuing along the ecliptic plane, you will come across Neptune that you will leave because not visible. Finally you will arrive on the planet Saturn.

You will notice that the five planets are in natural order.

You can enjoy this observation until the beginning of July.
