Observation tower: the best models to discover the world

Observation tower the best models to discover the world

The observation tower is inspired by Montessori pedagogy and has many uses. To help you choose the one you need, discover our selection and our advice.

The Montessori observation tower takes the form of a high step with barriers on the sides, and sometimes on the back. What is this accessory for? The learning tower allows children to easily and safely access high surfaces. They can wash their hands, brush their teeth, reach for objects at height, or watch their parents cook and help them prepare the meal. Thanks to this, the child feels included in family activities, he gains autonomy and can better observe what is outside his usual reach. You can start using a lookout tower between 18 and 20 months of age. Some models are designed to serve up to 5 or 6 years. If this object is very practical and promotes development, a few safety rules must be observed: since the child is raised on it, you must store things that should not be within reach (medicines, batteries, DIY tools, etc.). .) higher, if possible in a closed cupboard so that he is not tempted to try to catch them. It is recommended to teach him not to be turbulent when he is on it to avoid falls, and he must always be under your supervision when using it. To choose the model that suits you, you have to ask yourself a few questions: what is your budget? Do you prefer a wooden or plastic learning tower? Would you like a scalable model? Do you have the space to leave it installed or should you prefer a folding model? Once you have the answers, choose the tower that suits you best from our selection!
