Obi-Wan series finally unleashes the fury of a forgotten Star Wars character

Obi Wan series finally unleashes the fury of a forgotten Star

Star Wars fans are excited for Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi. Many are wondering who the new villain Reva is or what Darth Vader’s return looks like. The most exciting character of the Disney + series is one of the most inconspicuous. Moist farmer Owen Lars (Joel Edgerton) could change the franchise forever. With his wild but justified anger.

Forgotten Star Wars Character: Obi-Wan finally gives Owen Lars a chance

Just leave us alone!“, Lars demands from Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) in the first long trailer. “Sometime has to [der junge Luke Skywalker] trained,” replies the Jedi Master. Oh, like you his father [Darth Vader] trained?“, is the angry comment.

Check out the latest trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi here:

Obi-Wan Kenobi – S01 Trailer (German) HD

Owen Lars’ anger is doubly refreshing. On the one hand because he is a criminally underrated Star Wars character. Lars raised Luke (in the Obi-Wan series: Grant Feely) for years. Then he becomes Star Wars of stormtroopers into a smoking pile of bones transformed to dramaturgically enable his foster son to escape from the home planet of Tatooine. His appearance in the prequel series as Obi-Wan’s chosen foster father for Luke is very brief.

So it’s only logical that Star Wars allows emotions and a longer scene for the character that is so important for the savior of the galaxy. But Lars’ Zorn is new territory in another respect. He opens the view to the little people and challenges the Jedi’s self-image.

Owen Lars instead of Jedi and Sith: Obi-Wan revolutionizes Star Wars

After all, Star Wars is, at its core, the elite heroic tale of supernatural knights. Jedi and Sith bicker for the galaxy according to their respective ideologies. planets are devastated Whole generations of innocents have been swept away. And what for?


Owen Lars (Edgerton) stands up to villain Reva (Moses Ingram).

In their boundless hubris, the Jedi have created a black-armored monster that now enslaves the universe. They slept through the rise of the Sith in the ivory towers of their republic. They have dragged countless worlds into civil war. With the same cold-blooded soldiers who eventually turn against them without hesitation. Nothing quite as murderous in the Star Wars galaxy as the goodwill of the Jedi.

On the other hand, Owen Lars raises his voice. It’s a huge opportunity for the Star Wars franchise. It can give a voice to those torn between Jedi and Sith. Your own eternal story foundation of war between good and evil supermen can gain immense depth.

©20th Century Fox

First Star Wars film: Owen Lars (Phil Brown) in Star Wars

Owen Lars is not alone. Especially The Mandalorian or Star Wars: The Book by Boba Fett recently caught the eye Farmer, farmers or bored teenagers from Star Wars steered. Luke Skywalker’s foster father could make the biggest entrance of them all. He may be Obi-Wan Kenobi’s greatest challenge.

Joel Edgerton plays Owen Lars in Obi-Wan: How is the Star Wars Star Known?

Fortunately, Obi-Wan also stands for Edgerton no blank slate in front of the camera. After his breakthrough in the Star Wars prequels, he played character roles in Warrior, Black Mass and The Green Knight. He was also seen in the horror remake The Thing or the action thriller Zero Dark Thirty. In Star Wars, Owen was played by Phil Brown.

When will actor Joel Edgerton be in Obi-Wan on Disney+?

Star Wars fans will soon be able to judge how well Edgerton finds his way into his old role. At the May 27, 2022 Obi-Wan Kenobi launches on Disney+. According to IMDb, the actor is set to star in all 6 episodes.

May’s 20 Best Series Starts: From Obi-Wan Kenobi to Stranger Things

Need more fresh streaming tips? The most exciting series that you can stream on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and Co. in May can be found here in the monthly preview:

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