Obesity, reflux, fatty liver… Think again while drinking coffee

Obesity reflux fatty liver Think again while drinking coffee

High-calorie flavored, creamy, sauced or syrupy coffees cause many health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver due to the excess sugar they contain. Excess sugar intake causes fat in the body. Although instant coffee gives us a feeling of satiety, it causes us to get hungry faster.

Due to the intense content of coffee with extra sugar and cream, you will get too many calories at once and weight gain becomes inevitable. The risk for stomach ailments such as reflux or gastritis increases. Avoid coffees with high calorie and sugar content. Dietitian Rıdvan Arslan gave information about the subject.


Milk powder, which seems innocent, causes fatty liver. One of the main factors of cellulite and regional lubrication in women is milk powder added to coffee. You can add milk itself to your plain filter coffee instead of milk powder, but if you are in the process of losing weight, it should not be preferred often in order to catch a calorie deficit.



Coffee has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. By choosing the right coffee, we can speed up our metabolism. There are also studies showing that coffee reduces blood pressure and accelerates fat burning. Especially during the diet period, coffee consumption helps to lose weight by suppressing the appetite. Plain filter coffee, Turkish coffee or Americano are among the coffees that can be preferred during this period. However, it should not be forgotten that excess caffeine will cause stomach disorders, insomnia, restlessness or depression. If you do not have any health problems, you can consume 3-4 cups of coffee a day. While consuming coffee, it should not be neglected to drink water with it.


  • 1 medium filter coffee 6 kcal
  • 1 cup of plain Turkish coffee 7 kcal
  • 1 medium Americano 17 kcal
  • 1 medium cappuccino 136 kcal
  • 1 medium latte 223 kcal
  • 1 medium caramel macchiato 269 kcal
  • 1 medium cream mocha 353 kcal
  • 1 medium white chocolate mocha 484 kcal
  • 1 medium chocolate frappuccino 409 kcal
