Obesity, a poorly recognized disease in France

Obesity a poorly recognized disease in France

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    Affecting 8 million people in France, obesity is not recognized as a pathology in its own right but rather classified as a risk factor by doctors. Anne-Sophie Joly, founding president of the National Collective of Obese Associations (CNAO) is campaigning for this recognition and explains her commitment to us, on the occasion of World Obesity Day, on March 4th.

    I have been campaigning for more than 20 years to have obesity recognized as a pathology in its own right. begins first Anne-Sophie Joly. The president and founder of the National Collective of Obese Associations (CNAO) still and always wants to talk about obesity and does not “never release the pressure” in his own words.

    Nineteen pathologies linked to obesity

    Considered a risk factor by doctors, obesity “causes excess mortality and an increased risk of cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, serious metabolic disorders (diabetes, steatosis, etc.), osteoarthritis, low back pain, gastroesophageal reflux , liver diseases (NASH, cirrhosis), cholelithiasis, infertility, respiratory pathologies and sleep disorders… ” lists the president of the CNAO. Eighteen pathologies in total, to which is now added the Covid-19.

    Engage public authorities

    More than eight million people are obese but they do not benefit from appropriate care” explains the one who pleads for the recognition of obesity as a long-term condition (ALD). “How can we treat pathologies but neglect the cause? is still surprised the president of the CNAO.

    For Anne-Sophie Joly, it is urgent to take concrete measures, in collaboration with health professionals, the media, to relay information to the general public but also the State, which must play its role of prevention, within the framework of public health.

    Make obesity a great national cause

    The CNAO therefore wishes to take advantage of this pre-election period to challenge the various candidates for the presidential election, in order to raise their awareness of obesity. “By 2030, one in five people in France will be affected by obesity. according to Anne-Sophie Joly.

    Obesity must be considered as a major national cause and be the subject of an ambitious ten-year plan (at least) for the prevention and holistic management of this pathology, under the aegis of the Elysée or the Prime Minister, which would equally involve the various ministries concerned such as health, ecology, agriculture, food, national education, sport, urbanization, etc. “.

    Obesity, a multifactorial pathology

    Because obesity does not have a single cause, it is on the contrary multifactorial. “This global prevention plan would include nutrition, psychological and physical support for people, requirements faced with the agri-food industry and processed products, promotion of short-circuit production and consumption, improvement of collective catering, urbanization program encouraging the practicing sports from an early age. And the list is not exhaustive” states the president of the CNAO, without forgetting the training of health professionals in the care of the patients concerned.

    Ambitious proposals, which if adopted, could shake things up in terms of prevention for generations to come.
