Obama is in the White House for the first time in 5 years! Biden joke bursts into laughter

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Former US President Barack Obama came to the White House on the occasion of the anniversary of the signing of the health insurance reform known as “Obamacare”, which offers health insurance to low-income people, after a five-year hiatus at the White House.

Obama, who was the guest of US President Joe Biden and had lunch together, stated in his speech that Biden would follow the next steps of Obamacare.


On the other hand, the jokes Obama made during his speech and his teasing with Biden, who was his vice president in 2009-2017, also made the audience laugh.

Obama’s addressing Biden as “Mr. Vice President Biden” at the beginning of his speech made the participants laugh, while Obama said, “Of course it was a joke.” he clarified his words.

Biden, in his speech, told Obama, “We had dinner today, we were confused about the seating arrangement.” He replied with a joke.

