O-Mark, discovering a promising young artist

O Mark discovering a promising young artist

At 21, Marco Frantz Junior Pierre, (O-Mark, by his stage name) wants to be a spokesperson for the voiceless. For this young artist, music is a way to make his heart speak and to spread his vision of a better world, peace and love.

In five or ten years, O-Mark already sees himself as an international star, touring and making the voices of marginalized people heard all over the world. But for now, the 21-year-old prodigy is content to learn and build his musical abilities. He nevertheless released a few singles as a taste of what he carries deep inside him as a desire to shine in music. ” Andikap li pa limit l (He is not limited by his disability, in French), the single that launched his professional career, pleads for a society that respects the rights of people with physical or intellectual disabilities.

Living in the town of Croix-des-Bouquets, north of Port-au-Prince which, for some time, has been under attack from armed gangs, this young man full of energy and passion wants to push his limits and prove everyone that there is a lot of talent in his community.

Music used :

O-Mark Andikap li pa limit l

Leyla McCallaStrong Sunday.
