RTX 4080 (Super) and RTX 4090 are Nvidia’s two fastest graphics cards. But the RTX 4090 sometimes costs around twice as much as the RTX 4080. Is the high surcharge even worth it or is an RTX 4080 enough if I want to play in 4K?
If you want to buy the fastest graphics card in 2024, you should either choose the RTX 4080 (Super) or the RTX 4090, if you don’t want to choose AMD. If you ignore AMD, then there are a total of three high-end models from Nvidia if you count the RTX 4080 and its super model individually.
But which model is most worthwhile if you want to play? And above all: Is the high surcharge on the “RTX 4090” model even worth it? MeinMMO presents the two graphics cards in direct comparison:
RTX 4080 vs. RTX 4090 at a glance:
RTX 4080 vs. RTX 4090: Specs in comparison
What is the RTX 4090? The RTX 4090 is currently Nvidia’s fastest graphics card for gaming and other applications. Its high performance makes the graphics card very popular, especially for AI applications. The graphics card first appeared in stores on October 12, 2022.
What is the RTX 4080? The RTX 4080 was previously Nvidia’s second fastest graphics card until it was replaced by the Super variant. The graphics card appeared in stores on November 16, 2022.
What is the RTX 4080 Super? The Super variant is a new version of the RTX 4080. Nvidia has increased the values of the graphics card slightly, but has significantly reduced the RRP. Both the Super and Normal versions now cost roughly the same.
RTX 4080 vs. RTX 4090: Benchmarks, performance and performance
How fast are the RTX 4080 Super and RTX 4090 in comparison? The data in our table is all for 4K gaming. The numbers in brackets show the performance with DLSS and frame generation activated. Frame generation is only available with the RTX 4000 series. The data in our table comes from ComputerBase and GameStar Tech:
Which graphics card is better? The RTX 4090 is usually ahead. Sometimes very clearly (Call of Duty) or only very barely (Hogwarts Legacy). As a rule, you get significantly more performance and FPS with the RTX 4090. But that’s not surprising since the graphics card also has significantly better technology.
Depending on the game, we are talking about an advantage of the RTX 4090, in the best case, between 30 and 40%. But as you can see from Hogwarts Legacy, the lead can hardly be there.
Which graphics card is more efficient? The RTX 4090 is slightly more efficient than the RTX 4080 Super, our colleagues at GameStar report: The RTX 4090 costs you 2.81 watts per FPS, the RTX 4080 Super only costs slightly more at 2.89 watts per FPS.
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RTX 4080 vs. RTX 4090: Prices and availability
What are the prices currently? Nvidia reduced the prices for its graphics cards at the beginning of 2024. The RRP for the RTX 4090 is now 1,769 euros and the RRP for the RTX 4080 (Super) is 1,329 euros. Currently (as of September 2024) the RTX 4080 is below the RRP, the RTX 4090 is significantly above it:
What about availability? The RTX 4080 Super is generally readily available, which can also be seen in the prices, which have been falling slightly for a few months and are below the RRP.
Things are a little different with the RTX 4090: Due to high demand, especially from data centers and AI systems, the RTX 4090 is still very expensive.
In addition, some sites, such as the magazine wccftech, are reporting that Nvidia wants to reduce production of the RTX 4090 because of the 5000 series. The prices are therefore likely to go up again slightly.
RTX 4080 Super vs. RTX 4090: Which one to buy?
Which graphics card is worth it for me? The Nvidia RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 are the two most powerful graphics cards that money can currently buy. And that will only change when AMD and Nvidia bring their new graphics cards onto the market.
If you have a big budget for your gaming PC or a new graphics card, then you don’t need to think twice: Because the RTX 4090 is currently the fastest graphics card you can get. Do you want 4K at 144Hz and ray tracing? Then there is hardly any way around the RTX 4090.
On the other hand, there is hardly a game that fully utilizes the RTX 4090. There are currently no games that require such a powerful card to run, and even to run well. The significantly cheaper RTX 4080 Super is also completely sufficient for this. If you just want a fast graphics card, you can also use the RTX 4080 Super or a graphics card from AMD.
In the end, you always have to ask yourself: Do you absolutely need an RTX 4090 or is an RTX 4080 Super enough for you? And with this question you either pay 800 euros more or less when buying a graphics card.
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