Nvidia has formed a nice partnership with Twitch and OBS

Nvidia has formed a nice partnership with Twitch and OBS

One of the world’s largest live broadcast platforms Twitch, graphics card giant Nvidia And OBS He announced that they had established a good partnership.

Nvidia did not only introduce new SUPER series graphics cards at CES 2024. The company is also Twitch And OBS teamed up with and announced a new broadcast feature that will be available in beta at the end of this month. This feature, which will be offered to RTX and GTS series graphics card owners, will reportedly allow broadcasters to simultaneously transmit broadcasts to Twitch at different resolutions and quality levels. This infrastructure will also allow non-partner broadcasters to broadcast at multiple resolutions and quality levels, The benefit of this will be that viewers will get a smoother / higher quality viewing experience. Publishers who want to try this infrastructure can participate in beta testing via the personal broadcast tools panel as of today. Meanwhile, Twitch is also experimenting with 4K and AV1 broadcasting on RTX 40 series graphics cards, and this issue has been awaited with great curiosity for a long time. Specifically Twitch has been on the agenda more about sexuality these days.


Most recently, it also banned the insinuation of nudity on the platform and a ban warning was issued for the old process.. In this respect, “Our update is to block streamers’ bodies or clothing. black censor bars or uses other elements and is used out of the frame. Made in response to the recent meta that caused viewers to think the streamer was fully or partially nude.” Twitch also said during the process, “While most streamers have appropriately tagged this content and are wearing clothing behind the object or out of frame, for many users the thumbnails of this content have become distracting to their experience on Twitch. While content tagged with the Sexual Theme tag is not displayed on the homepage, it is displayed in categories and we are aware that many users frequently visit these pages to find content on Twitch.” description made.
