Nuud deodorants withdrawn from the market after the occurrence of cysts

Nuud deodorants withdrawn from the market after the occurrence of

Due to painful cysts that have occurred in people who have used Nuud deodorant, the Medicines Agency announces the withdrawal of all batches available on the French market.

THE Nuud natural deodorant is withdrawn from the French market, announces the National Medicines Agency in a communicated of September 6. In question: painful armpit cysts occurred in people who used it.“There marketing of this deodorant has been temporarily suspended and all lots available in the points of sale were withdrawn on the market, as well as those available from distributors” inform the ANSM. The decision to withdraw was taken jointly with the deodorant manufacturer Nuud. In France, this product is mainly sold on the Internet or via social networksas well as in certain stores and parapharmacies.

The greasy formula of the deodorant would clog the pores of the skin

People who have reported cysts after using Nuud deodorant have also sometimes suffered from infection (treated with antibiotics). In most of the reported cases, the cysts disappeared after discontinuing the use of the product or taking the prescribed treatments” reassures the ANSM. The appearance of these cysts explained by the galenic form of the deodorant, a predominantly greasy ointment, Who would promote the clogging of the pores of the armpits with the possibility of microbial superinfection, by a occlusive effect. The occurrence of these complications “may represent a increased risk for fragile people susceptible to infections, those suffering from Verneuil’s disease and also the people allergic to antibiotics warns the ANSM. Health authorities recommend stop using this product now. In case of undesirable effects, you should consult your doctor and make a report on the reporting portal. The manufacturer of deodorant Nuud highlighting a “totally natural” product, the drug agency specifies in its press release that “THE ingredients in the composition of Nuud deodorant are not considered individually as the cause of adverse effects reported”.
