Nutrition issues in dogs and cats

Nutrition issues in dogs and cats

Giving love, walking, cuddling, playing… These are all signs of affection that make the relationship between an animal and its master so unique. However, animal well-being also depends on the diet and the care we take in providing the right nutrients.

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The physiological needs of dogs and cats depend on several factors: breed, sex, age and general state of health. However, it would seem that a careful selection of the foods you give will have a beneficial effect on the health of your companion.

The challenge of bi-nutrition

The idea? Alternate dry food (kibbles for example) and wet food (pâtés, mousses) to vary the textures and flavors, but not only! These complementary, associated benefits will have an impact both on the digestive plan and on health.

  • Water consumption is increased! And this is all the more important for felines who are naturally light drinkers throughout the day. Pâtés and mousses are rich in water and promote the proper functioning of the renal system by this additional supply of hydration.
  • Better weight monitoring. An animal that exceeds the weight recommendations exposes itself to the development of various pathologies such as heart problems, osteoarthritis and respiratory diseases. Thanks to their water content, wet foods are more bulky and satiate small and large eaters more quickly. Whereas for croquettes, this phenomenon of satiety is slow to come. For dry foods, animals tend to eat beyond their true appetite and gradually gain weight.
  • Croquettes and treats contribute to good chewing. This helps remove tartar and plaque. This natural cleaning of the teeth removes the risk of early oral problems.

Diversifying the diet and nutritional intake also has the advantage of meeting all macronutrient needs (water, proteins, a little lipids and carbohydrates). In a study conducted on the choice of dog food, the author Marie Fenez evokes the words of Hazewinkel in 1989 by affirming that in the event of food deficit and deficiency, ” it will be the chains of metabolic reactions where “the deficient nutrient” is used that will suffer: for example a vitamin D deficiency will lead to bone disorders, given its involvement in the calcium management loop “. The researcher adds that otherwise, an excess of calcium can also cause bone disorders. So you have to find the right balance.

ÉQUILIBRE & INSTINCT, a brand dedicated to animal well-being

For 30 years, the company ÉQUILIBRE & INSTINCT has been imagining and designing recipes based on fresh ingredients specifically chosen for the metabolism of animals. His work to develop a premium food for cats and dogs is the result of an alliance between veterinary expertise and in-depth knowledge of animal nutrition.

Digestibility is at the center of their concern: reducing digestive disorders, preserving the organs as much as possible and guaranteeing the well-being of the animals. Indeed, foods that are difficult to digest will weaken the intestinal mucosa, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of poor quality stools as well as an imbalance of the flora. Its protective role is then compromised and the digestive system no longer forms a barrier against pathogens.

To delight the taste buds of four-legged friends, the offer is vast to vary tastes, flavors and textures.

And for the masters whose ethics hold a privileged place in the daily choices, know that this brand manufactures all its products in France and the majority of the ingredients are produced in Normandy!

Article produced in partnership with WEBBEL

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