Nutri-Score at McDonald’s: 2 Nutri-Score A sandwiches

Nutri Score at McDonalds 2 Nutri Score A sandwiches

Big Mac, McChicken… McDonald’s must-have burgers all have a Nutri-Score, a nutritional classification system. A wrap and a burger will show a Nutri-Score A from September 2022. Which ones? What Nutri-Score for Children’s Happy Meal? How many calories at McDo?

In September 2022, McDonald’s famous fast food chain offers two new sandwiches with a Nutri-Score A: the McWrap™ Chicken, Red Cabbage and Onion Pickles and the Signature Charolais Red Cabbage and Onion Pickles. A first for a fast food restaurant! To see things more clearly and help consumers make the right choices, the Nutri-Score nutrition labeling system (implemented in France in 2017) was, in July 2021, affixed to the burgers, salads and side dishes of McDonald’s™. Nevertheless, even products with Nutri-Score A or B must be consumed in a reasonable and going to McDo must remain exceptional. To classify each product and assign it a letter and a color, the Nutri-Score takes into account for 100 grams of product the content of nutrients and foods to favor (fibers, proteins, fruits, vegetables, pulses, etc.) and the content of nutrients to limit (saturated fatty acids, added fats, salt, sugar…). Foods classified A and B are the most nutritionally favorable. Foods classified D and E of lower nutritional quality. So, what are the best Nutri-Score products? What are the most caloric sandwiches? The lowest calories? The healthiest? Fries or potatoes? What about salads? Ranking.

What are the burgers with Nutri-Score A at McDo?

McDo sandwiches with a Nutri-Score A © McDonald’s

Since September 6, 2022, two sandwiches have displayed a Nutri-Score A : Chicken McWrap™ , Red Cabbage and Pickled Onions as well as the Signature Charolais Red Cabbage and Onion Pickles. To achieve this Nutri-Score, “the idea was to incorporate more than 40% raw vegetables – 153 g of raw vegetables (red cabbage, tomato) for the burger and 137 g (red cabbage, tomato and salad) – for the wrap, as well as more fiber, especially in the bread, control sodium balancesugar and saturated fatty acids, to work on the quality of the sauce and to remove the cheese“, explains Clémence de Raulin, Director of Innovation McDonald’s France, to the Journal des Femmes Santé. For the burger, the meat is 100% French Charolais and the wheat flour is 100% French Label Rouge, which contributes to a better Nutri-Score.

What are the burgers with Nutri-Score B at McDo?

  • McFish: 285 calories
  • Little Wrap Ranch: 315 calories
  • McChicken: 439 calories

What are the burgers with Nutri-Score C at McDo?

  • Hamburger: 261 calories
  • Filet-O-Fish: 327 calories
  • Big Mac: 503 calories
  • Big Mac Bacon: 525 calories
  • OBC: 647 calories

What are the burgers with Nutri-Score D at McDo?

  • McDonald’s Crunch: 261 calories
  • Royal Cheese: 518 calories
  • Triple Cheeseburger: 594 calories
  • 280 Original: 785 calories
  • Big Tasty: 840 calories

What are the burgers with the Nutri-Score E at McDo?

No McDonald’s burger displays a Nutri-Score E.

What are the “healthiest” burgers at McDonald’s?

The Nutri-Score is visible on McDonald’s app and website, but also at order terminals at points of sale. Of the 355 products that had their Nutri-Score calculated in 2021, 65% of them were rated A, B or C.

  • Man : average energy needs are between 2,100 (moderate activity) to 2,700 (intense activity) calories per day
  • Women : average energy requirements are between 1,800 (moderate activity) to 2,000 (intense activity) per day.

Burgers with a Nutri-Score A are considered the “most favorable”: the Chicken McWrap™ Red Cabbage and Onion Pickles as well as the Signature Charolais Red Cabbage and Onion Pickles. They are followed by burgers displaying a Nutri-Score B: McFish, P’tit Wrap Ranch and the McChicken.

What are the healthiest products at McDo?

It’s not always easy to make the healthiest and most nutritionally correct choices at McDonald’s.

  • The two salads offered display an interesting Nutri-Score: Classic Caesar Salad (A) and Italian Mozza & Pasta Salad (B).
  • Side dishes, fries and potatoes display a Nutri-Score B. Small portions contain less than 300 calories (227 for potatoes and 231 for fries). the Little Cucumber and the Little Salad are unsurprisingly Nutri-Score A with 9 and 10 calories per serving and without sauce, respectively.
  • At this time, only Happy Meal desserts are screened for Nutri-Score (see image below). The McFlurrys and the Sundays have not yet been evaluated.
Nutri-Score McDonald's products
Nutri-Score McDonald’s products © McDonald’s

McDonald’s also indicates the Nutri-Score of the foods that make up the Happy Meal children’s menus.

  • Nutri-Score A : small cucumbers, fruit compotes, and fruits such as lack or apple offered for dessert.
  • Nutri-Score B : the McFish burger, the McMuffin Egg&Cheese sandwich, the medium Potatoes, the small fries.
  • Nutri-Score C : the box of 4 McNuggets, the Hamburger, the P’tit glacé for dessert.
  • Nutri-Score D : the cheeseburger, the Croque McDo.

What are the lowest calorie burgers at McDo?

  • Croque McDo: 261 calories (D)
  • McFish: 285 calories
  • Cheeseburger: 308 calories (D)
  • McChicken: 439 calories

What are the highest calorie burgers at McDo?

On a daily basis, do not try to consume only Nutri-Score A and B productsmakes a point of specifying the site of Manger-Bouger. Foods classified D and E can be part of a balanced diet, provided they are consumed in small quantities and not too often.

  • Double Signature Cheddar & Smocky Bacon: 1,280 calories (D)
  • Double Signature Beef BBQ: 881 calories (D)
  • Big Tasty: 840 calories (D)
  • 280 Original: 785 calories (D)

Sources: McDonald’ / Nutri-Score sheet from Public Health France
