Nutri-Score: A, B, C, D, E, meaning, is it reliable?

Nutri Score A B C D E meaning is it reliable

The Nutri-Score is a colored nutritional label that classifies foods from A to E. Convenient for consumers in the supermarket! Fattier and sweeter foods are quickly pinned down! Is it reliable? Obligatory ? List of products, meaning… Decryption.

the Nutri-Score is deployed on everyday food products and is gradually influencing consumer choices on the shelves. As of January 31, 2022, 875 companies in France have chosen to affix it to their products, highlighted Public Health France. And adults are not the only ones to take this into account. According to a survey published by Santé Publique France in May 2022, adolescents also know him, then 97% of those questioned by the health agency said they had already seen or heard of him. Likewise, 7 out of 10 teenagers have already bought a product with the Nutri-Score ; 54% of teenagers who have already purchased a product with the Nutri-Score were encouraged to buy this product because of the presence of the logo on the packaging and 47% of teenagers knowing the logo declared that the latter had been able to make them choose a product rather than another without a logo, and an equivalent proportion make them change products to choose one with a better Nutri Score. These results are in agreement with the trends observed in adults in France. During a survey carried out in 2021 by Santé Publique France, 45% of adults familiar with the logo indicated that the Nutri Score could make them choose a product with a better score rather than another with a lower score within the same department (+9 points since September 2020).

Definition: what does the Nutri-Score mean?

Designed as part of the National Health Nutrition Program, the Nutri-Score is a graphical scale that classifies A to E food products according to their nutritional qualities. The chosen system is thus based on a 5-color code: from green for balanced products, red for foods that are too fatty or too sweet and three intermediate colors (light green, yellow and orange).

Class A foods are the most nutritionally favorable because they are nutrients and foods to promote (fibers, proteins, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, rapeseed, walnut and olive oil),

Foods classified E have a lower nutritional quality because they contain nutrients to limit (energy, saturated fatty acids, sugars, salt).

It is official nutrition labeling recommended in France. Developed by international research teamsconcise, understandable and based on scientific bases, this logo provides consumers with immediate information on the nutritional quality of the products they buy in order to help them make the right choices easily on supermarket shelves. And also, push manufacturers and distributors to improve the quality of their recipes. The system has been successfully tested in a study Nutrinet-Health, conducted by Professor Serge Hercberg. “Brands such as Fleury Michon, McCain, Weight Watchers, Bonduelle, Intermarché, Auchan and Leclerc Drive display the Nutri-Score on many of their packaging on shelves and online“, specifies the ministry.

The Nutri-score is based on a mathematical formula developed by Professor Serge Hercberg and his team. For 100 g or 10 mL of product, the score takes into account the content:

► in nutrients and food at foster (fibres, proteins, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, rapeseed, walnut and olive oil),

► and nutrients to limit (energy, saturated fatty acids, sugars, salt).

After a calculation, the score obtained is associated with a letter and a color which will form the Nutri-Score affixed to its packaging.

Is the Nutri-Score reliable?

Yes, the Nutri-Score remains relevant, especially for comparing two products in the same category, but this is not the only parameter to take into account (it does not take into account aspartame for example in Coke Zero, which is Nutri-Score B). “The Nutri-Score follows an algorithm and provides information on the nutritional profile of foods, but it does not allow you to avoid ultra-processed foods at all costs. Nevertheless, the more “bad” Nutri-Score you have, the greater the proportion of ultra-processed foods, Isabelle Souchon, INRAE ​​research director on the quality and processing of fruit and vegetables, told us during a previous interview on ultra-processed foods. There are other relevant classifications to help the consumer make the right choices such as NOVA classification.

What does the Nutri-Score logo look like?

© Anastasiia Lila – 123RF

All processed products and beverages are affected by the Nutri-Score.

What is the list of products concerned by the Nutri-Score?

All processed products (biscuits, cold cuts, cereals, etc.) and beverages (except alcohol), including those for children, are affected by the Nutri-Score.

Are not affected:

  • aromatic herbs,
  • teas,
  • coffees
  • the yeasts…
  • the fruits,
  • the vegetables,
  • Fish
  • fresh meat
  • alcoholic beverages.

Finally, products whose largest side has a surface area of ​​less than 25 cm² are exempt. The list of brands that apply the Nutri-Score is available at Public Health France. Note that for certain families of products such as added fats such as butter or oil, the Nutri-Score calculation has been adapted. Note that since the summer of 2021, the Nutri-Score will show up at McDonald’s. The number 1 in fast food in France will gradually deploy the Nutri-Score on its website, on its application and on the order terminals in its points of sale, it announced on Twitter May 11, 2021. “This is a new step in McDonald’s commitment to nutritional transparency, initiated more than 15 years ago”, welcomed the sign.

What is the Nutri-Score of Coca-Cola?

Coca-Cola has a nutri-score E. As the site reminds us OpenFoodFactsthis drink contains 11g of sugar per 100 grams, which is a very high amount of sugar.

What is the Nutri-Score of Nutella?

An ultra-processed, fatty and sweet food, Nutella unsurprisingly displays a Nutri-Score E. It contains nearly 60% sugars and 30% fat, including 10% saturated fatty acids, the worst for your health!

What is the Nutri-Score of cheeses?

According to Fromagers de France website, nearly 90% of cheeses are classified as D or E (80% as D). A parameter which lacks relevance for these products because the Nutri-Score is calculated for 100g whereas we generally eat a portion of 25 to 30g of cheese per day. Cheeses fit perfectly into a balanced diet.

What is the Nutri-Score at McDonald’s?

Is the Nutri-Score mandatory?

This nutrition labeling is optional and is based on the volunteering of agri-foodstuffs and companies. The right to use the Nutri-Score is issued free of charge.
