Nurses rage over the region’s crisis plan – forced transfer to Sundsvall

The crisis plan will apply as early as Wednesday next week, June 5, and there is great surprise among the nurses in Sollefteå at the region’s extremely short notice:

– It’s incredibly bad planning, I’m speechless, says Ellenor Gahlin, nurse at the orthopedic department at Sollefteå Hospital.

Pressured care in 2024

  • This is how Region Värmland intends to deal with the summer’s challenges – the conflict affects

  • Hundreds of canceled operations under blockade

  • No surgery all summer

    In addition, the region wants operations at the orthopedist to go on a low-cost basis for 12 weeks. In normal cases, the business is closed during the summer for four weeks.

    – It means that you not only have to reduce the number of surgeries for three months, you will not have any surgeries at all during this time, says Elisabeth Martinsson Sundin.

    This will have major consequences for patients, she believes.

    Hear the nurses’ view of forced displacement and crisis plans – in the clip:
