Nurse snooped in 90 medical records

Nurse snooped in 90 medical records

Updated 03.22 | Published 03.12




full screen The academic hospital in Uppsala. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

A nurse at the University Hospital in Uppsala opened a total of 90 medical records belonging to patients he did not work with, Upsala Nya Tidning reports.

It was a woman from Uppsala who noticed that her journal had been opened by an unknown name. She called the man who denied.

The Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo) investigated the matter in more detail. The woman was one of 90 patients who had their records mistakenly opened by the assistant nurse over a period of four months.

Ivo is now criticizing the Academic Hospital because the employee had access to more medical records than necessary. The assistant nurse is criticized for having performed medical records that are “not compatible with current legislation”.
