Nupes: there is life without Mélenchon

Nupes there is life without Melenchon

Jean-Luc Mélenchon has lost his touch. This hand, which he believed to be iron, and in which he thought he alone held the political left and the trade union left. The first was weakened, the second just as outdated. In an excess of confidence, born from his 22% in the election, the Insoumis leader believed he could dictate the strategy to follow in the battle for pensions to all these little people in convalescence. In reality, the Nupes ended up escaping its master, to the point of becoming a straightjacket for the man of a party operating almost Bonapartist. Thanks to her, EELV, the PS and the PCF have regained their colors.

Thanks to her, and since Mélenchon is no longer where politics is done (in the Assembly), the rebels like to imagine a destiny without him. Their names are Clémentine Autain, Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido or even François Ruffin who admitted it this weekend in an interview with Konbini: “I don’t think about it in the morning while shaving [à l’élection présidentielle], nor by running but I know that today there is a duty to represent the most invisible of the nation. They need to be carried by a voice of hope which is on the left and which is not depressed and on the extreme right. So if one day I have to embody that, I will.” The wolf is in the sheepfold of Nupes. These same people preferred to follow the strategy advocated by the unions – which Mélenchon still abhors so much – against the Borne reform. didn’t want to know, scolding the Communists, his allies from Nupes and Philippe Martinez and Laurent Berger.He knows how to do it, from the top of his 22%, please listen to him.

On the evening of his third defeat, on April 10, 2022, he launched: “Do better!” Did he think a word of it? The psychology of Mélenchon is thus made. He was already writing the sequel. His sequel: for lack of a better candidate, he would therefore have said, at the dawn of 2027, to be obliged by circumstances. But by twisting the arm of his reinvigorated (but not resurrected) partners and castigating the tactics of the unions capable of massaging more than 1 million people in the streets on three occasions, Mélenchon exposed his own feverishness. That of an isolated person. He did not believe the Nupes or the unions capable of doing “better”. They took him at his word. They do together, and without him as much as possible. There may be a life without Mélenchon.
