Nupes bets on abstainers for the second round

Nupes bets on abstainers for the second round

The day after the first round of the legislative elections, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was the guest of France 2. The leader of the union of the left came to call for a mobilization in favor of the Nupes, addressing in priority the abstentionists , to hope to prevent Emmanuel Macron from having an absolute majority. He also scratched the Minister of the Interior, accused of having maneuvered to minimize the result of the left, by not counting part of the votes affiliated with Nupes.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon did not utter the words ” Matignon ” Where ” Prime Minister during his speech on Sunday evening. But officially, the objective of sending the third presidential man to Matignon has not been abandoned. The interested party tried to make it imagine by saying that “sif you decide, then yes, in 10 days the prices will be blocked, the SMIC will be increased to 1 500 euros “.

On France 2 Monday evening, he did not hesitate to point the finger at the Minister of the Interior: ” I leave the pleasures of the hack to Mr. Darmanin. It was necessary to tear him that we could call by our name by going to the Council of State – the Council of State ordered Tuesday the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin to take into consideration the Nupes as “a political nuance apart whole” during the legislative elections, giving reason to Jean-Luc Mélenchon who had seized him in summary proceedings. There, he tries to fiddle with figures. He removes deputies from my account. All this is done to hide the fact that the Macronist party of La République en Marche suffered a heavy defeat. »

To listen: Manuel Bompard, Nupes candidate in the Bouches-du-Rhône

A chance to convince

For Jean-Luc Mélenchon there is a clear intention which is to spread the idea that the Nupes could not achieve this: ” And yes, we can make it happen. We are told in a poll that 65% of French people do not want Mr. Macron to have the majority. There are 25 million abstainers, so we can think that we have a chance of convincing. And if people really don’t want Mr. Macron, that is to say that if it’s a referendum on Mr. Macron, and that’s what I believe, and on his politics, not his person of course, there is only one thing to do, it is to vote for us, because Madame Le Pen has no chance of having a majority and neither does Les Républicains. »

La Nupes did not start as the favorite in many of the duels due to a disadvantage on the voice reserves: united from the first round, the left was full, while Together could count on the votes on the right. But several coalition leaders still see hope.

To read: French legislative: “Abstention shows a democratic disaffection which is confirmed”

Betting on young people for the second round

Aurélie Trouvé, well ahead (53.5%) in the 9th district of Seine-Saint-Denis, believes that there is ” huge reserves of votes among abstainers “, and especially ” among young peoples”: ” I went around my constituency on Sunday, there were no lines of young people” seen in the first round of the presidential. In between the two towers, on the national level, she announces“we will insist on young people, saying to them: “It’s up to you to determine your future as we debate the state of the planet in 50 years“. The popular strata too, which are quicker to abstain, will be targeted, as close as possible to the field, with door-to-door “.

For Corinne Narassiguin, the number two of the Socialist Party, ” the young people were those who were, during the presidential election, the most motivated to put the left in the second round, we have to manage to mobilize them, prove to them that it is possible to hinder Emmanuel Macron “. She believes that beyond the slogan ” Prime Minister Melenchon », « young people approve of the union, it is the coalition in all its diversity that must be put forward “.

And on France 2, Jean-Luc Mélenchon even raised the tone: “ I just want to tell young people that they still need to mind their own business a bit, because there’s no point in complaining about Parcoursup if, afterwards, it’s not to vote for those who want it. ‘abolish “, also emphasizing that the Nupes shared with them” concern for the planet “.

To read: Legislative: “A successful test” for Nupes, uncertain triumph for the presidential coalition

(and with AFP)
