Number one cause of breast cancer! Every home has it: Get rid of it now

Number one cause of breast cancer Every home has it

Expert warns, household cleaning products can increase the risk of four types of cancer. Cleaning products can contain more than chemicals that target dirt and bacteria. Whether you’re wiping your countertops or scrubbing your shower head, the last thing on your mind is probably the last thing on your mind that the cleaning product on hand could increase your risk of cancer.


Breast Cancer UK warns that some household products, from detergents to cleaning sprays, may contain synthetic ingredients known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) linked to breast cancer.

Christina Hawkes, one of the experts on the subject, said in an interview on the subject: “House cleaning products traditionally consist of strong synthetic ingredients, meaning they contain a lot of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC). These are synthetic or man-made chemicals often found in a variety of products, such as plastics, pesticides, cosmetics, food, cleaners, toys, clothing, paints, medical equipment, cleaning products, furniture, furnishings, and electronics.


While Breast Cancer UK has linked breast cancer only to these potent chemicals, research published in Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders has also linked EDCs to uterine cancer.

Hawkes added: “EDCs are linked to hormone-sensitive cancers such as breast, uterine, prostate, and thyroid cancers. It is low exposure to EDCs, often over a long period of time, that creates the greatest cancer risk.”


If you want to stick with your usual cleaning products, another tip the expert offers is to make sure there is adequate ventilation while you do the housework.


Avoid cleaning with products in confined spaces such as the shower. Be careful when using the spray as the droplets can travel and be inhaled easily.
