Nuit des Étoiles 2022: the program for the last stargazing night

Nuit des Etoiles 2022 the program for the last stargazing

STAR NIGHTS. Sunday August 7 is the last Night of the Stars, after three days of entertainment. In several cities, events are organized to best observe the sky. Discover the program here.

[Mis à jour le 07 août 2022 à 17h46] Sunday August 7 is the last Night of the Stars of the 2022 edition. Several events are organized by the French Association of Astronomy (AFA) which lists them on its site. These are free and accessible to everyone, whether or not you know the field of astronomy. The first days of August are ideal for observing the start of the Perseid meteor shower. In addition, for the 2022 edition, the luckiest were able to see the planets Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune. Finally, thanks to the reduction in light pollution, the stars were more visible during the 2022 edition. Olivier Las Vergnas, President of the AFA, welcomed this progress: “We finally have encouraging things to say about the protection of the sky”, he said, according to comments reported by Release. Thus, according to a study published by the journal, Sky & Space, between 2014 and 2021, the situation at night has improved in France, with regard to light pollution. Public lighting extinguishing policies have been implemented in several municipalities. Thanks to this decrease in luminosity, many people were able to enjoy the Night of the Stars. With or without equipment, the AFA introduces astronomy through various free activities. Discover the closest to you in our article.

The theme given by the French Association of Astronomy (AFA), organizer of the event, is exploration, “at a time when the return to the Moon materializes with Artemis, from the exploration of Mars.” The French Astronomy Association (AFA) welcomes everyone free of charge to places conducive to observing the sky and the stars, that is to say far from the lights. Consult the program near you on the official site of the French Association of Astronomy or see below our selection of events that take place during the nights of the stars in the major cities of France:

A few events are scheduled for the Nuit des Étoiles in Paris and its surroundings, such as in Saint-Ouen or Le Bourget (consult the map):

  • From August 7 at 9 p.m. to August 8 at 1 a.m., AFA professionals invite you to the Square Louise Michel in the 18th arrondissement of Paris to observe the stars. The meeting point is on the lower terrace, under the panorama. This observation evening is free and open to all.

For Lille, everything happens in Villeneuve d’Ascq: at Departmental Science Forum located at 1, Place de l’Hotel de Ville. Here is the program. Still in the North, Dunkirk also offers activities to observe the sky.

  • From August 6 at 2 p.m. to August 7 at 6 p.m., the planetarium of the Departmental Science Forum opens its doors free of charge with two planetarium sessions on the program at 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
  • Sunday August 7, from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m., the Dunkirk astronomy club is organizing planetarium sessions, two conferences by Thomas Fauchez, researcher at NASA, at the Palace of the Universe and Sciences in Cappelle-la-Grande, solar observation sessions, listening to shooting stars, activities and an exhibition. From 10 p.m., an evening of observation will be held at the Crayhof park in Cappelle-la-Grande.

On August 7, from 9 p.m. to midnight, at the Kerzouar Observatory, located in Saint-Renan, the public is invited to attend a conference, before observing the sky.

The events planned around Bordeaux for the Nuit des Étoiles have been canceled on Saturday August 6 and Sunday August 7. Indeed, rallies were planned in the Bourgailh forest and in Martignas-sur-Jalle, but were canceled due to the risk of fire in Gironde.

A moment to live during the School vacation ! The Night of the Shooting Stars had a singular title when it was created in 1991 since the event lasted only one day. But it has become plural: “The Nights of the Stars”, because the event has been extended to three consecutive nights of observation from the year 2000 edition. Observation in France, it makes it possible to observe the planets Jupiter, Mars and Saturn as well as the shower of shooting stars from the Perseids. These stars come from the constellation Perseus. They are located below the constellation called Cassiopeia, in the shape of W.

To optimize your chances of seeing the stars, it is better to move away from sources of light pollution such as street lights. The stars are observed from 10 p.m., after dark. If the horizon is clear to the northwest, where the Sun sets, you won’t miss a beat. Especially if you have binoculars or a telescope.

The Nights of the Stars took place over three days, from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 August 2022. Since 1991, the Night of the Stars has been organized in Franceand in several European countries by associations, in particular theFrench Association of Astronomy. They are renowned astrophysicists or scientists, such as Hubert Reeves or Alain Cirou, in association with France 2, who launched the event.

Every year, the Earth passes through the Perseids. It is a meteor shower made up of the debris of an ancient planet: Swift Tuttle. Their mass ranges from the head of a pin to that… of a pea! By coming into contact with the Earth’s atmosphere, these small rocks offer a magnificent natural spectacle: shooting stars. The Perseid meteor shower will take place on the night of Friday August 12 to Saturday August 13, 2022.

The Perseid meteor shower is held this year on the night of Friday August 12 to Saturday August 13, 2022. During this exceptional night, a hundred shooting stars will be visible after 10 p.m., at sunset. If this is the peak of activity, shooting stars will be observable in numbers in the sky until August 25, 2022.
